R432-750-11. Patients' Rights  

Latest version.
  • (1) The agency shall establish and make available to the patient written patients' rights.

    (a) Written patients' rights shall be made available to the, responsible party, next of kin, sponsoring agency, representative payee, and the public upon request.

    (b) Agency policy may determine how patients' rights information is distributed.

    (2) The agency shall insure that each patient receiving care has the following rights:

    (a) to receive information on patient's rights and responsibilities;

    (b) to receive information on services for which the patient or a third party payor may be responsible and to receive information on all changes in charges;

    (c) to be informed of personal health conditions, unless medically contraindicated and documented in the clinical record, and to be afforded the opportunity to participate in the planning of the hospice services, including referral to health care institutions or other agencies and to refuse to participate in experimental research;

    (d) to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of such if refused;

    (e) to be assured confidential treatment of personal and medical records and to approve or refuse the release of records to any individual outside the agency except in the case of transfer to another agency or health facility, or as required by law or third-party payment contract;

    (f) to be treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of dignity and individuality, including privacy in treatment and in care for personal needs;

    (g) to receive information about the hospice services required in order to assist in the course of treatment;

    (h) to be assured the personnel who provide care are qualified through education and experience to carry out the services for which they are responsible;

    (i) to receive proper identification by the individual providing hospice services;

    (j) to permit the patient the right to discontinue hospice care at any time he or she chooses; and

    (k) to receive information about advanced directives.