Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R432. Health, Family Health and Preparedness, Licensing |
R432-500. Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical Center Rules |
R432-500-8. Administrator
(1) Direction.
(a) Each facility shall designate in writing an administrator who shall have freedom from other responsibilities to be on the premises of the facility a sufficient number of hours in the business day to manage the facility and to respond to appropriate requests by the Department.
(b) The administrator shall designate a person, in writing, to act as administrator in his absence.
(i) This person shall have sufficient power, authority, and freedom to act in the best interests of patient safety and well-being and shall be available at the facility.
(ii) It is not the intent to permit a de facto administrator to supplant or replace the designated facility administrator.
(c) The administrator shall be the direct representative of the board in the management of the facility and shall be responsible to the board for the performance of his duties.
(2) Qualifications.
The administrator and his designee shall be 21 years or older and shall be experienced in administration and supervision of personnel and shall be knowledgeable about the practice of medicine to interpret and be conversant in surgery protocols.
(3) Duties and Responsibilities.
(a) The administrator's responsibilities shall be written in a job description and shall be available for Department review.
(b) Responsibilities shall include:
(i) Compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, and facility bylaws;
(ii) Develop, evaluate, update, and implement facility policies and procedures annually;
(iii) Maintain an adequate number of qualified and competent staff to meet the needs of patients;
(iv) Develop clear and complete job descriptions for each position;
(v) Notify appropriate authorities when a reportable disease is diagnosed;
(vi) Review all incident and accident reports and take appropriate action;
(vii) Establish a quality assurance committee that will respond to the quality and appropriateness of services and respond to the recommendations made by the committee;
(viii) Secure through contracts the necessary services not provided directly by the facility;
(ix) Receive and respond to the licensure inspection report by the Department.