R432-500-24. Laundry Services  

Latest version.
  • (1) Direction.

    (a) Each facility shall have provisions for storage and processing of clean and soiled linen as required for patient care.

    (i) Processing may be done within the facility, in a separate building (on or off site), or in a commercial or shared laundry.

    (ii) If the facility contracts for laundry service, there shall be a signed, dated agreement that details all services provided.

    (iii) The laundry service shall meet all requirements of this section.

    (b) If the facility processes laundry on the premises, a qualified person shall be employed to direct the facility's laundry service. The person shall have experience or training in the following:

    (i) Proper use of the chemicals in the laundry;

    (ii) Proper laundry procedures;

    (iii) Proper use of laundry equipment;

    (iv) Appropriate facility policy and procedures;

    (v) Appropriate federal regulations, state rules, and local laws.

    (2) Physical Plant.

    (a) If laundry is processed by a commercial laundry which is not part of the facility, the facility must provide at least the following:

    (i) A separate room, vented to the outside, for holding and sorting soiled linen until ready for transport;

    (ii) A central, clean linen storage area in addition to the linen storage provided in each unit. The central storage capacity shall be sufficient for the facility's operation;

    (iii) A separate storage area to maintain clean and soiled linen carts out of traffic areas;

    (iv) Handwashing facilities shall be provided in each area where unbagged soiled linen is handled.

    (b) If laundry is processed by the facility (within or in a separate building), provision shall be made for the following:

    (i) Receiving, holding and sorting room for control and distribution of soiled linen. Soiled linen chutes may empty into this room;

    (ii) A laundry room with washing machines adequate for the quantity and type of laundry to be processed;

    (iii) A laundry room with dryers adequate for the quantity and type of laundry to be processed;

    (iv) A clean storage room with space and shelving adequate to store one half of all laundry being processed;

    (v) Convenient access to employee lockers and lounge;

    (vi) Storage for laundry supplies;

    (vii) Storage area to park clean and soiled linen carts out of traffic;

    (viii) Traffic pattern through laundry area shall be:

    (A) From building corridor to receiving and sorting/soiled linen room;

    (B) From sorting soiled linen room to wash room;

    (C) From wash room to dry room. The dry room shall be separated from the wash room by a wall with a door;

    (D) From dry room to clean storage or building corridor (covered and protected);

    (E) Air flow shall be positive in direction; from clean to soiled, to exterior.

    (3) Policies and Procedures.

    Each facility shall develop and implement policies and procedures relevant to operation of the laundry. These policies and procedures shall be reviewed and updated annually, and shall address the following:

    (a) Methods to handle, store, transport and process clean, soiled, contaminated, and wet linens;

    (b) Water temperature to wash laundry that is at least 150 degrees F (66 degrees C) unless the laundry equipment manufacturer recommends other temperatures. An automatic chemical sterilizing system may be used in lieu of 150 degrees F water with Department approval;

    (c) Collection and transportation of soiled linen to the laundry in closed, leak-proof laundry bags or covered impermeable containers. Separate linen carts labeled "SOILED" or "CLEAN LINEN" shall be constructed of washable material and shall be laundered or suitably cleaned to maintain sanitation;

    (d) The training of laundry personnel in proper procedures for laundry infection control;

    (e) Provision for adequate laundry equipment (washers, dryers, linen carts, transport carts) to maintain clean laundry for the facility;

    (f) Maintenance of laundry equipment in proper working condition;

    (g) Provision for a lavatory with hot and cold running water, soap and sanitary towels within the laundry area.

    (4) Clean Linen.

    (a) Clean linen shall be stored, handled, and transported in a manner to prevent contamination. Clean linen shall be stored in clean closets, rooms, or alcoves used only for that purpose.

    (b) Clean linen must be covered if stored in alcoves or transported through the facility. Clean linen from a commercial laundry shall be delivered to a designated clean area in a manner that prevents contamination.

    (c) Linens shall be maintained in good repair. A supply of clean linen and other supplies shall be provided and available to staff to meet the needs of patients.

    (5) Soiled Linen.

    (a) Soiled linen shall be handled, stored and processed to prevent the spread of infections. Soiled linen shall be sorted by methods to protect from contamination, and as specified in facility policy.

    (b) Soiled linen shall be stored and transported in a closed container which prevents airborne contamination of corridors and areas occupied by patients, and precludes cross contamination of clean linens. Laundry chutes shall be maintained in a clean sanitary condition.