R432-500-20. Anesthesiology Services  

Latest version.
  • (1) There shall be facilities and equipment for the administration of anesthesia services commensurate with the clinical and surgical procedures planned for the facility.

    (2) The medical staff shall appoint a medical director of anesthesia services who shall meet the following requirements:

    (a) be licensed to practice medicine in Utah;

    (b) have training and expertise in anesthesia services offered to ensure adequate supervision of patient care.

    (3) The medical director of anesthesia services shall implement, coordinate, and ensure the quality of anesthesia services provided in the facility including the implementation of written policies and protocols approved by the medical staff which clearly define the responsibilities and privileges of qualified anesthetists.

    (4) Only qualified anesthetists shall provide anesthesia care.

    (5) During the surgical procedure, a qualified anesthetist shall be responsible for the following:

    (a) monitor, by continuous presence in the operating room (except for short periods of time for personal safety, such as radiation exposure), a patient who is undergoing a surgical procedure and who is receiving general anesthetics, regional anesthetics, or monitored anesthesia care;

    (b) continually evaluate a patient's oxygenation, ventilation, and circulation, and have means available to measure temperature during administration of all anesthetics.

    (6) The non-physician qualified anesthetists shall provide patient specific anesthesia services upon the request of a licensed professional, as defined in R432-500-2(e). The licensed professional shall be involved in each patient's preoperative assessment and shall ensure that the non-physician anesthetist is providing anesthesia services in a manner that specifically addresses the needs of each individual patient.

    (7) The patient and operating surgeon shall be informed prior to surgery of who will be administering anesthesia.

    (8) When the operating team consists entirely of non-physicians, a physician shall be immediately available in the facility to respond to medical emergencies.

    (9) Policies and Procedures.

    (a) Written anesthesia service policies shall include the following:

    (i) Anesthesia care policies and procedures for preanesthesia evaluation, intraoperative care including documenting a time-based record of events, and postanesthesia care;

    (ii) A qualified anesthetist, shall conduct a preanesthesia evaluation, and document the evaluation in the patient's medical record prior to inducing anesthesia;

    (iii) The preanesthesia evaluation shall include the following information:

    (A) planned anesthesia choice;

    (B) assessment of anesthesia risk;

    (C) anticipated surgical procedure;

    (D) current medications and previous untoward drug experiences;

    (E) prior anesthetic experiences;

    (F) any unusual potential anesthetic problems.

    (b) A qualified anesthetist shall remain with the patient until the patient's status is stable. The qualified anesthetist or the anesthetist's qualified designee shall remain with the patient until the patient's protective reflexes have returned to normal, and it is determined safe as defined in facility policy.

    (c) The medical director of anesthesia services shall define the mechanism for the release of patients from postanesthesia care. Each patient who is admitted to an ambulatory surgical facility, and who receives other than unsupplemented local anesthesia, shall be discharged in the company of a responsible adult.

    (10) Medicaid certified facilities shall comply with the 42 CFR 415.110 and 42 CFR 416.42 (December 30, 1999) which is incorporated by reference.

    (11) The use of flammable anesthetic agents for anesthesia or for the pre-operative preparation of the surgical field is prohibited.

    (12) The anesthetic equipment shall be inspected and tested by the person administering anesthesia before use in accordance with the facility policy.