R432-31. Life with Dignity Order  

R432-31-1. Authority and Purpose
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(1) This rule is adopted pursuant to Utah Code Title 26, Chapter 21, and Section 75-2a-106.

(2) This rule establishes the forms and systems for Life with Dignity Orders.

R432-31-2. Definitions
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The definitions found in Sections UCA 26-21-2 and 75-2a apply to this rule. In addition, "licensed health care facility" means a facility or entity licensed pursuant to Title 26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility Licensing and Inspection Act.

R432-31-3. Life with Dignity Order Forms
Latest version.

(1) An individual who desires to execute a Life with Dignity Order must use a form or electronic format approved by the Department. The form may not be altered in layout or style, including font style and size, without the express written permission of the Department.

(2) Any person, health care provider or health care facility may obtain a form from the Department and, if made available by the Department, from a website established for that purpose.

(3) A health care provider, licensed health care facility, or EMS provider may act upon a copy of a Life with Dignity Order as if it were the original.

R432-31-4. Facility Policies and Procedures
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(1) Health care facilities must establish and implement policies and procedures that conform to Section 75-2a-106.

(2) Health care facilities policies and procedures must assure that:

(a) the facility determines upon admission whether each individual has a Life with Dignity Order;

(b) the facility is not required to offer all individuals the opportunity to complete a Life With Dignity Order;

(c) the facility determines which individuals may be offered the opportunity to complete a Life with Dignity Order, which may include individuals who;

(i) have a serious illness and are likely to face a life-threatening health crisis;

(ii) have specific preferences for end of life treatments; or

(iii) have declining cognitive abilities and lack a surrogate to make decisions for them;

(d) the facility identifies circumstances under which an individual with a Life with Dignity Order shall be offered the opportunity to modify the order;

(e) the facility maintains the Life with Dignity Order in the individual's medical record;

(f) the facility identifies circumstances under which it would not follow a Life With Dignity Order;

(g) only qualified providers, as per Utah Code 75-2a-106(2) assist with the completion of a Life With Dignity Order. Qualified providers include;

(i) the physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant of the person to whom the life with dignity order relates; or

(ii) a health care provider who is acting under the supervision of a person described in Subsection (2)(g)(i)and is a licensed nurse, physician assistant, or mental health professional.

(h) a Life With Dignity order shall be signed personally by the physician or APRN, or, subject to 75-2a-106(11), physician assistant of the person to whom the life with dignity order relates;

(i) if the licensed health care facility's services do not include the supervision of a physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse, the facility shall make a referral to the primary care provider to create, replace or modify a Life With Dignity Order.

R432-31-5. Training
Latest version.

Each licensed health care facility shall appropriately train relevant health care, quality improvement, and record keeping staff on the requirements of Title 75, Chapter 2a, the Advance Health Care Directive Act; this rule; and the facility's policies and procedures established pursuant to this rule.

R432-31-6. Transferability of Life with Dignity Orders
Latest version.

(1)(a) A Life with Dignity Order is fully transferable between all licensed health care facilities.

(b) The health care providers assuming the individual's care at the receiving licensed health care facility shall read the Life with Dignity Order.

(c) The receiving provider must have policies and procedures to address the circumstances under which the provider will not follow the instructions contained in the Life With Dignity Order.

(2)(a) A licensed health care facility that discharges, but does not transfer to another licensed health care facility, an individual who has a Life with Dignity Order, shall provide a copy of the individual's Life with Dignity Order to the individual or, if the individual lacks the capacity to make a health care decision, as defined in section 75-2a-104, to the individual's surrogate.

(b) A licensed health care facility that transfers an individual with a Life with Dignity Order to another licensed health care facility shall provide a copy of the Life with Dignity Order to the receiving licensed health care facility.

(3) A licensed health care facility shall allow an individual to complete, amend, or revoke a Life with Dignity Order at any time upon request.

R432-31-7. Presentation of Life with Dignity Orders to EMS Personnel
Latest version.

(1) Except for home health agencies, personal care agencies and home-based hospice, a licensed health care facility in possession of a Life with Dignity Order must present the individual's Life with Dignity Order to EMS personnel upon the arrival of EMS personnel who are present to treat or transport the individual; and

(2) For an individual who resides at home, if home health agency, personal care agency or home-based hospice personnel are present when EMS personnel arrive at the home, the personnel must present the individual's Life with Dignity Order, upon the arrival of the EMS personnel who are present to treat or transport the individual.

R432-31-8. Home Placement of Life with Dignity Orders
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(1) If an individual under the care of a home health agency, personal care agency or a hospice agency possesses a Life with Dignity Order, the agency must ensure that a copy of the Life with Dignity Order is left at the individual's place of residence.

(2) For an individual adult who resides at home, including an emancipated minor, it is recommended that a copy of the Life with Dignity Order be posted on the front of the refrigerator or over the individual's bed.

(3) For a minor who resides at home, it is recommended that a copy of the Life with Dignity Order be placed in a tube and placed on the top shelf of the door of the refrigerator.

R432-31-9. Life with Dignity Bracelets and Necklaces
Latest version.

(1) The Department may contract with a vendor or vendors to provide an approved Life with Dignity bracelet or necklace.

(2) An individual with a Life with Dignity Order may obtain an approved Life with Dignity bracelet or necklace from a vendor approved by the Department. The approved Life with Dignity bracelet or necklace identifies the individual to EMS or other health care providers as possessing a Life with Dignity Order.

R432-31-10. Prior Orders and Out of State Orders
Latest version.

(1) EMS and other health care providers may recognize as valid all POLST, Life With Dignity and EMS/DNR orders, including bracelets and necklaces, unless superseded by a subsequent Life with Dignity Order or POLST.

(2) Licensed health care facilities must ensure that all individuals receiving services who have current POLST/Life With Dignity Orders, receive assistance to complete new orders to comply with current rule requirements by January 31, 2011.

(3) Physicians may complete and sign new Life With Dignity Orders for individuals with prior forms who no longer have capacity to complete new orders, and who do not have a surrogate/guardian to authorize the new order. The physician must indicate on the new order that the individual's preferences from the prior order are still applicable.

(4) A form that an individual executed while in another state may be honored as if it were executed in compliance with this rule and Section 75-2a-106 if it:

(a) is substantially similar to a Life with Dignity Order or a Physician's Order for Life Sustaining Treatment; and

(b) was executed according to the laws of that state.