R432-200-27. Specialized Rehabilitative Services  

Latest version.
  • (1) Organization.

    (a) A facility that provides specialized rehabilitative services may offer these services directly or through agreements with outside agencies or qualified therapists.

    (b) Services may be offered either on-site or off-site.

    (c) If the facility does not provide specialized rehabilitative services, the facility shall neither admit nor retain residents in need of such services.

    (2) Personnel.

    (a) Specialized rehabilitative services shall be provided by qualified licensed therapists in accordance with Utah law and accepted practices.

    (b) Therapists shall offer the full scope of services to the resident.

    (c) All therapy assistants shall be qualified and shall work under the direct supervision of a licensed therapist at all times.

    (d) Speech pathologists shall be licensed under Title 58, Chapter 41.

    (3) Policies and Procedures.

    (a) Services shall be provided only on the written order of an attending physician.

    (b) Safe and adequate space and equipment shall be available commensurate with the needs of residents.

    (c) An appropriate plan of treatment shall be initiated by an attending physician and developed by the therapist in consultation with the nursing staff.

    (d) An initial progress report shall be submitted to the attending physician two weeks after treatment has begun or when specified by the physician.

    (e) The physician and therapist shall review and evaluate the plan of treatment monthly, unless, the physician recommends an alternate schedule in writing.

    (f) There shall be documentation in the resident's record of the specialized plan of treatment.