R432-12-6. Resident Rooms  

Latest version.
  • (1) The maximum room capacity shall be two residents. Provisions shall be made for individual privacy.

    (2) There shall be at least 100 square feet for a single-bed room and 160 square feet in shared rooms, exclusive of toilets and closets.

    (a) Minor encroachments such as columns, lavatories, and door swings may be ignored in determining space requirements if function is not impaired.

    (b) In a facility licensed prior to 1977, the Department may grant a variance, pursuant to R432-2-18, to allow 80 square feet per bed for a single-bed room and 60 square feet per bed for a multiple-bed room.

    (3) In multiple-bed rooms there shall be enough clearance between beds to allow movement of beds, wheelchairs, and other equipment without disturbing residents.

    (4) No room commonly used for other purposes shall be used as a sleeping room for any resident. This includes any hall, unfinished attic, garage, storage area, shed, or similar detached building.

    (5) No bedroom may be used as a passageway to another room, bath, or toilet.

    (6) Bedrooms shall open directly into a corridor or common living area, but not into a food-preparation area.

    (7) Bedrooms shall not be located in a basement or on an upper floor unless residents have access to one exit from that level leading directly to the exterior at grade level.

    (8) Each bedroom shall be provided with light and ventilation by means of an operable window which opens to the outside or to a court that opens to the sky. Where the window requires the use of tools or keys for operation, such devices shall be stored in a prominent location on each floor convenient for staff use.

    (9) Each resident shall have a wardrobe, closet, or space suitable for hanging clothing and personal belongings with minimum inside dimensions of 22 inches deep by 36 inches wide by 72 inches tall. Space accommodations shall be provided within each resident's room. Facilities serving infants or children may substitute a chest of drawers for the closet.