R432-101-21. Adolescent or Child Treatment Program  

Latest version.
  • (1) A hospital that admits adolescents or children for care and treatment shall have the organization, staff, and space to meet the specialized needs of this specific group of patients.

    (a) Children shall be classified as age five to 12 and adolescents ages 13 - 18.

    (b) If a child is considered for admission to an adolescent program, the facility shall assess and document that the child's developmental growth is appropriate for the adolescent program.

    (c) Adolescent patients who reach their eighteenth birthday, the age of majority, may remain in the facility on the adolescent unit to complete the treatment program.

    (2) A mental health professional with training in adolescent or child psychiatry, or adolescent or child psychology, as appropriate, shall be responsible for the treatment program.

    (3) Adolescent or child nursing care shall be under the direction of a registered nurse qualified by training, experience, and ability to effectively direct the nursing staff. All nursing personnel shall have training in the special needs of adolescents or children.

    (4) There must be educational provision for all patient's of school age who are in the hospital over one month.

    (5) Adolescents may be admitted to an adult unit when specifically ordered by the attending member of the medical staff, but may not remain there more than three days unless the clinical director approves orders for the adolescent to remain on the adult unit.

    (6) Specialized programs for children must be flexible enough to meet the needs of the children being served.

    (a) There shall be a written statement of philosophy, purposes and program orientation including short and long term goals.

    (b) The types of services provided and the characteristics of the child population being served shall also be included in the service's policy document. It shall be available to the public on request.

    (c) There shall be a written description of the program's overall approach to family involvement in the care of the patient.

    (d) There shall be a written policy regarding visiting and other forms of patient communication with family, friends and significant others.

    (e) There shall be a written plan of basic daily routines. It shall be available to all personnel and shall be revised as necessary.

    (f) There shall be a written complaint process for children in clear and simple language that identifies an avenue to make a complaint without fear of retaliation.

    (g) There shall be a comprehensive written guide of preventive, routine, and emergency medical care for all children in the program, including written policies and procedures on the use and administration of psychotropic and other medication.

    (h) There shall be a complete health record for each child including:

    (i) immunizations;

    (ii) medications;

    (iii) medical examination;

    (iv) vision and dental examination, if indicated by the medical examination;

    (v) a complete record of treatment for each specific illness or medical emergency.

    (i) The use of emergency medication shall be specifically ordered by a physician or other person licensed to prescribe and be related to a documented medical need.

    (j) In addition to the medical record requirements, the child's record shall contain:

    (i) documents related to the referral of the child to the program;

    (ii) documentation of the child's current parental custody status or legal guardianship status;

    (iii) the child's court status, if applicable;

    (iv) cumulative health records, where possible;

    (v) education records and reports.

    (k) The following standards apply to children's programs within a secure, locked treatment facility:

    (i) There shall be a statement in the child's record identifying the specific security measures employed and demonstrating that these measures are necessary in order to provide appropriate services to the child.

    (ii) There shall be evidence that the staff and the child are aware of the hospital's emergency procedures and the location of emergency exits.

    (iii) If children are locked in their rooms during sleeping hours, there shall be a method to unlock the rooms simultaneously from a central point or upon activation of a fire alarm system.

    (iv) There shall be a recreational program offering a wide variety of activities suited to the interests and abilities of the children in care.