R398-5-3. Birth Defects Reporting  

Latest version.
  •   Each hospital, clinic, institution, or birthing center which admits a patient and detects or screens for a birth defect as a result of any outcome of pregnancy, or admits a child under 24 months of age with a birth defect, or is presented with the event of a stillbirth shall report or cause to report to the department within 40 days of discharge the following:

      (1) if live born, child's name;

      (a) last name;

      (b first name;

      (2) child's date of birth (or date of delivery);

      (3) child's medical record number;

      (4) child's gender;

      (5) mother's name;

      (a) last name;

      (b) first name;

      (c) maiden name;

      (6) mother's date of birth;

      (7) mother's medical record number;

      (8) delivery institution;

      (9) ICD - 9 - CM or ICD - 10 birth defect codes;

      (10) mother's state of residency at delivery; and

      (11) mother's zip code of residency at delivery.