R396-100-4. Official Utah School Immunization Record (USIR)  

Latest version.
  • (1) Schools and early childhood programs shall use the official Utah School Immunization Record (USIR) form as the record of each student's immunizations. The Department shall provide copies of the USIR to schools, early childhood programs, physicians, and local health departments upon each of their requests.

    (2) Each school or early childhood program shall accept any immunization record provided by a licensed physician, registered nurse, or public health official as certification of immunization. It shall transfer this information to the USIR with the following information:

    (a) name of the student;

    (b) student's date of birth;

    (c) vaccine administered; and

    (d) the month, day, and year each dose of vaccine was administered.

    (3) Each school and early childhood program shall maintain a file of the USIR for each student in all grades and an exemption form for each student claiming an exemption.

    (a) The school and early childhood programs shall maintain up-to-date records of the immunization status for all students in all grades such that it can quickly exclude all non-immunized students if an outbreak occurs.

    (b) If a student withdraws, transfers, is promoted or otherwise leaves school, the school or early childhood program shall either:

    (i) return the USIR and any exemption form to the parent of a student; or

    (ii) transfer the USIR and any exemption form with the student's official school record to the new school or early childhood program.

    (4) A representative of the Department or the local health department may examine, audit, and verify immunization records maintained by any school or early childhood program.

    (5) Schools and early childhood programs may meet the record keeping requirements of this section by keeping its official school immunization records in the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS).