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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R392. Health, Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services |
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R392-302. Design, Construction and Operation of Public Pools |
R392-302-18. Outlets
(1) No feature or circulation pump shall be connected to less than two outlets unless the pump is connected to a gravity drain system or the pump is connected to an unblockable drain. All pool outlets shall meet the following design criteria:
(a) The grates or covers of all submerged outlets in pools shall conform to the standards of ANSI/APSP-16 2011.
(b) The outlets must be constructed so that if one of the outlets is completely obstructed, the remaining outlets and related piping will be capable of handling 100 percent of the maximum design circulation flow.
(c) All pool outlets that are connected to a pump through a single common suction line must connect to the common suction line through pipes of equal diameter. The tee feeding to the common suction line from the outlets must be located approximately midway between outlets.
(d) An outlet system with more than one outlet connected to a pump suction line must not have any valve or other means to cut any individual outlet out of the system.
(e) At least one of the circulation outlets shall be located at the deepest point of the pool and must be piped to permit the pool to be completely and easily emptied.
(f) The center of the outlet covers or grates of multiple main drain outlets shall not be spaced more than 30 feet, 9.14 meters, apart nor spaced closer than 3 feet, 0.914 meters, apart.
(g) Multiple pumps may utilize the same outlets only if the outlets are sized to accommodate 100 percent of the total combined design flow from all pumps and only if the flow characteristics of the system meet the requirements of subsection R392-302-18(2) and (3).
(h) There must be one main drain outlet for each 30 feet, 9.14 meters, of pool width. The centers of the outlet covers or grates of any outermost main drain outlets must be located within 15 feet, 4.57 meters, of a side wall.
(i) Devices or methods used for draining pools shall prevent overcharging the sanitary sewer.
(j) No operator shall allow the use of a pool with outlet grates or covers that are broken, damaged, missing, or not securely fastened.
(2) Notwithstanding Section R392-302-3, all public pools must comply with Subsections R392-302-18(2) and (3). The pool operator shall not install, allow the installation of, or operate a pool with a drain, drain cover, or drain grate in a position or an application that conflicts with any of the following mandatory markings on the drain cover or grate under the standard required in R392-302-18(1)(a):
(a) whether the drain is for single or multiple drain use;
(b) the maximum flow through the drain cover; and
(c) whether the drain may be installed on a wall or a floor.
(3) The pool operator shall not install, allow the installation of, or operate a pool with a drain cover or drain grate unless it is over or in front of:
(a) the sump that is recommended by the drain cover or grate manufacturer;
(b) a sump specifically designed for that drain by a Registered Design Professional as defined in ANSI/APSP-16 2011; or
(c) a sump that meets the ANSI/APSP-16 2011 standard.
(4) Notwithstanding Section R392-302-3, all public pools must comply with this subsection R392-302-18(4). The pool owner or certified pool operator shall retrofit by December 19, 2009 each pool circulation system on existing pools that do not meet the requirements of subsections R392-302-18(1) through R392-302-18(1)(g) and R392-302-18(2) through (3)(c). The owner or operator shall meet the retrofit requirements of this subsection by any of the following means:
(a) Meet the requirements of R392-302-18(1)(a) and R392-302-18(2) through (3)(c) and install a safety vacuum release system which ceases operation of the pump, reverses the circulation flow, or otherwise provides a vacuum release at a suction outlet when it detects a blockage; that has been tested by an independent third party; and that conforms to ASME standard A112.19.17-2010 or ASTM standard F2387-04(2012);
(i) To ensure proper operation, the certified pool operator shall inspect and test the vacuum release system at least once a week but no less often than established by the manufacturer. The certified pool operator shall test the vacuum release system in a manner specified by the manufacturer. The certified pool operator shall log all inspections, tests and maintenance and retain the records for a minimum of two years for review by the Department and local health department upon request.
(ii) The vacuum release system shall include a notification system that alerts patrons and the pool operator when the system has inactivated the circulation system. The pool operator shall submit to the local health department for approval the design of the notification systems prior to installation. The system shall activate a continuous clearly audible alarm that can be heard in all areas of the pool or a continuous visible alarm that can be seen in all areas of the pool. A sign that meets the requirements of a "2 Inch Safety Sign" in R392-302-39(1),(2) and (3)(b) shall be posted next to the sound or visible alarm source. The sign shall state, "DO NOT USE THE POOL IF THIS ALARM IS ACTIVATED." and provide the phone number of the pool operator.
(iii) No operator shall allow the use of a pool that has a single drain with a safety vacuum release system if the safety vacuum release system is not functioning properly.
(b) Install an outlet system that includes no fewer than two suction outlets separated by no less than 3 feet, 0.914 meters, on the horizontal plane as measured from the centers of the drain covers or grates or located on two different planes and connected to pipes of equal diameter. The outlet system shall meet the requirements of R392-302-18(1)(a) through R392-302-18(1)(g) and 18(2) through (3)(c);
(c) Meet the requirements of R392-302-18(1)(a) and R392-302-18(2) through (3)(c) and installing (or having an existing) gravity drain system;
(d) Install an unblockable drain that meets the requirements of R392-302-18(1)(a) and R392-302-18(2) through (3)(c); or
(e) Any other system determined by the federal Consumer Products Safety Commission to be equally effective as, or better than, the systems described in 15 USC 8003 (c)(1)(A)(ii)(I), (III), or (IV) at preventing or eliminating the risk of injury or death associated with pool drainage systems.