R392-103-5. Suspension or Revocation of Food Handler Permits  

Latest version.
  •   (1) A local health officer may revoke or suspend a food handler permit if:

      (a) A food handler is ill with a disease that may be transmitted through the handling of food;

      (b) The local health officer documents in two or more inspections within two years that the same food handler has at least twice failed to apply the same training objective listed in Subsection R392-103-6(2); or

      (c) A food handler shows willful disregard for food safety or food protection in a manner that has the potential to endanger public health.

      (2) The local health officer may confiscate any food handler permit that the local health officer cannot authenticate or that has been revoked or suspended.

      (3) A food handler may reapply to a local health department for reinstatement of a revoked or suspended food handler permit by requesting a hearing with the local health officer and demonstrating to the local health officer's satisfaction that the food handler permit may be reinstated.