R386-80-3. Reimbursement of Local Health Departments  

Latest version.
  •   (1) Upon the occurrence of a local public health emergency by the local health officer with the concurrence by the Executive Director of the Department, the local health department is eligible to receive reimbursement through the Public Emergency Funding Program for expenses incurred in responding to a local health emergency to the extent funding is available.

      (2) The request for reimbursement from the fund shall include an itemized list of expenses incurred associated with the public health emergency. The list of expenses shall be in the format directed by the Department. The local health department is required to match funds received from the Program Fund. The total of the program reimbursement and the local match cannot exceed the total dollars expended on the emergency.

      (3) If the Department receives requests for emergency funding from multiple local health departments during a similar time period for the same public health emergency, and the requests exceed the balance of the funding available, the Department shall allocate the distribution of available funds by an agreed upon formula with the Local Health Officers Association. Information contained in the local health department request for funding is subject to both audit and approval by the Department.

      (4) The Local Health Officers Association and the Department shall, through a Memorandum of Agreement, include more specifically what constitutes a public health emergency, types of reimbursable expenses, and the formula to be used if multiple public health emergencies occur at similar times with not enough funding available.