R384-205. Opiate Overdose Outreach Pilot Program  

R384-205-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

  This rule establishes procedures and application processes pursuant to Title 26 Chapter 55 Opiate Overdose Response Act for the Utah Department of Health. Funding will provide for the purchase of an opiate antagonist; and/or for the cost of training on the proper administration of an opiate antagonist, in response to an opiate-related drug overdose event.

R384-205-2. Definitions
Latest version.

  (1) The following definitions apply to this rule:

  (a) "Department" means the Utah Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Program.

  (b) "Harm Reduction" means services that are aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use.

  (c) "High risk populations" means tribal communities, rural communities, geographic areas and/or populations with significantly high rates of opioid abuse, misuse, or overdose.

  (d) "Opiate antagonist" is as defined in Subsection 26-55-102(8).

R384-205-3. Application Process
Latest version.

  (1) The Department will establish an Opiate Overdose Outreach grant application process and packet on an annual basis, as funding is available. The packet will include the review schedule, submission details, review criteria and eligibility details. The application packet with all details will be posted on the Utah Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Program website.

R384-205-4. Criteria for Application for the Opiate Overdose Outreach Pilot Program
Latest version.

  (1) Eligible applicants may include organizations as defined in Subsection 26-55-107(1) which includes organizations that provide harm reduction services, and an overdose outreach provider as defined in Subsection 26-55-102(10)(e),(f)and(g).

  (2) Additional weight for awarding a grant will be given based on applicant's ability to demonstrate:

  (a) how they will serve high risk populations and

  (b) size of population served.

R384-205-5. Criteria for Funding Allocation
Latest version.

  (1) The Department shall select a grant allocation committee. The committee will include five professionals from one or more of the following professions:

  (a) health care,

  (b) pharmacy,

  (c) public health, and

  (d) emergency medical services.

  (2) The committee will review the applications and assign a score based on the following evaluation criteria of the application:

  (a) Demonstrated burden and identified target audience,

  (b) Capacity to reach target audience,

  (c) Ability to operate under deadline, and

  (d) Detailed budget breakdown.

  (3) Allocation of funding for each application will be based upon the criteria outlined in the Scope of Services and Requirements section of the grant application.

  (4) Applicant's funding request shall meet the criteria stated in Subsection 26-55-107(7)(b)(ii) as it relates to training costs.

  (5) Funding will be allocated according to applicant scores.

R384-205-6. Report Requirements
Latest version.

  The grantee shall submit an annual report to the Department in accordance to Subsection 26-55-107(7)(d).

R384-205-7. Audit Provisions
Latest version.

  The grantee shall record, preserve, and make data available for audit by the Department. The retention schedule shall be according to that specified in the application packet when applying for funding.