R384-100-5. Agencies or Individuals Required to Report Cases  

Latest version.
  • (1) All hospitals, radiation therapy centers, pathology laboratories licensed to provide services in the state, nursing homes, and other facilities and health care providers involved in the diagnosis or treatment of cancer patients shall report or provide information related to a cancer or reportable benign tumor to the Registry.

    (2) Procedures for reporting:

    (a) Hospital employed registrars shall report hospital cases.

    (b) Registrars employed by radiation therapy centers shall report center cases.

    (c) Pending implementation of electronic reporting by pathology laboratories, pathology laboratories shall allow the Registry to identify reportable cases and extract the required information during routine visits to pathology laboratories.

    (d) If a health care provider diagnoses a reportable case but does not send a tissue specimen to a pathology laboratory or arrange for treatment of the case at a hospital or radiation therapy center, then the health care provider must report the case to the Registry.

    (e) If the Registry has not received complete information on a reportable case from routine reporting sources (hospitals, radiation therapy centers, pathology laboratories), the Registry may contact health care providers and require them to complete a report form.