R325-1. Utah State Fair Competitive Exhibitor Rules  

R325-1-1. Exhibitors' Requirements and Guidelines
Latest version.

Utah State Fair competitive exhibitors shall comply with the terms of the Exhibitor Entry Form, which constitutes a contract between the Utah State Fair Corporation and the exhibitor. For further guidelines, Exhibitors should refer to the exhibitor handbook which will be mailed to livestock and other department exhibitors for each year's fair, to other potential exhibitors upon request and will be available in Fair office after July 15th.

R325-1-2. Entry Form and Charge
Latest version.

The exhibitor shall complete the entry form provided by the fair administration when entering exhibit items or animals in the fair. The exhibitor entry form may be photocopied for submission, however, the form may not be retyped or reproduced in any other manner. The exhibitor shall pay an entry charge which will be published in the exhibitor handbook. The entry form and charge must be submitted by dates published in the exhibitor handbook. The filing of a signed entry form by the exhibitor constitutes his acceptance of fair department rules and his eligibility for premium prize awards offered by the Utah State Fair Corporation.

R325-1-3. Claim Checks
Latest version.

When an exhibitor in creative arts, home arts, floriculture, fine arts and photography enters exhibits at the fair, the department supervisor shall place entry tags on the exhibits and claim checks shall be furnished to the exhibitor. At the close of the fair, on published release dates, the claim check shall be furnished to the fair by the exhibitor for reclaiming his item. The exhibitor at the time of exhibit release shall sign his entry form. The fair department exhibit supervisor shall also furnish a release permit to the exhibitor which will be checked by a security officer at the entrance gate. Those items entered in the floriculture (015), horticulture (011), and agriculture (012) departments shall become property of the Utah State Fair and will not be returned to exhibitor unless prior approval has been made in writing with the supervisor.

R325-1-4. Adjudication of Objections
Latest version.

(1) A person wishing to petition, object to, or complain about a decision by fair judge(s), the decision of a Fair administrator regarding the enforcement of contest or exhibitor rules, the exhibition of displays, damage to an exhibit, or any other disagreement with fair personnel, shall submit a petition in writing to the fair coordinator or executive director, stating the exact reason for the complaint.

(2) The written complaint shall contain the following information:

(a) the petitioner's name, mailing address, daytime telephone number;

(b) a statement of the exact reason for the complaint and a description of any relief sought.

(3) The petitioner may also include a short statement of facts, reasons, and any appropriate legal authority in support of the written objection/complaint.

(4) The fair coordinator or executive director shall consider the objection/complaint and, if necessary, act within a period of 30 days of its receipt.

(5) Any person aggrieved by a decision made by the director or a Fairpark administrator, may appeal that determination within 30 days, to the Fair Board of Directors by filing a notice of appeal, which shall include the information listed above, plus an explanation of, or reasons for making an appeal.

(6) Actions taken by the board of directors to adjudicate appeals shall be informal-proceedings, and shall be conducted in accordance with Section 63G-4-203, Utah Code, of the Administrative Procedures Act.

R325-1-5. View of Forms
Latest version.

Upon request, exhibitors may view the official entry forms and judges' forms in the administration office one month after the conclusion of State Fair.

R325-1-6. Request for New Categories
Latest version.

Potential exhibitors requesting new categories or classes for inclusion in the exhibitor handbook shall submit, in writing, a request to the fair coordinator by January 1st. Final action on the request shall be taken by the executive director and/or the board of directors.