Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R315. Environmental Quality, Waste Management and Radiation Control, Waste Management |
R315-307. Landtreatment Disposal Standards |
R315-307-1. Applicability
(1) These standards apply to any facility that engages in the landtreatment, landfarming, or landspreading disposal of solid waste.
(2) These standards do not apply to:
(a) a facility that uses sewage sludge, woodwaste or other primarily organic sludge in recycling operations as specified in Section R315-312-4;
(b) agricultural solid wastes resulting from the operation of a farm, including farm animal manure and agricultural residues;
(c) inert waste[ or demolition waste; or
(d) industrial solid waste facilities.
(3) The landtreatment of domestic sewage sludge and septage is exempt from the requirements of Rule R315-307 but is regulated under the applicable requirements of Rule R317-8 and 40 CFR 503 by the Utah Division of Water Quality.
(4) The owner or operator of a landtreatment disposal facility shall meet the standards for performance specified in Subsection R315-303-2.
(5) The owner or operator of a landtreatment disposal facility shall meet the location standards of Section R315-302-1.