R315-265-190. Tank Systems -- Applicability  

Latest version.
  •   The requirements of Sections R315-265-190 through 265-202 apply to owners and operators of facilities that use tank systems for storing or treating hazardous waste except as otherwise provided in Subsections R315-265-190(a), (b), and (c) or in Section R315-265-1.

      (a) Tank systems that are used to store or treat hazardous waste which contains no free liquids and are situated inside a building with an impermeable floor are exempted from the requirements in Section R315-265-193. To demonstrate the absence or presence of free liquids in the stored/treated waste, the following test must be used: Method 9095B, Paint Filter Liquids Test, as described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods," EPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference in Section R315-260-11.

      (b) Tank systems, including sumps, as defined in Section R315-260-10, that serve as part of a secondary containment system to collect or contain releases of hazardous wastes are exempted from the requirements in Subsection R315-265-193(a).

      (c) Tanks, sumps, and other collection devices used in conjunction with drip pads, as defined in Section R315-260-10 and regulated under 40 CFR part 265 subpart W, which is adopted and incorporated by reference, must meet the requirements of Sections R315-265-190 through 265-202.