R307-406. Visibility  

R307-406-1. Definitions
Latest version.

The following additional definition applies throughout R307-406:

"Adverse Impact on Visibility" means for purposes of R307-406, visibility impairment which interferes with the management, protection, preservation, or enjoyment of the visitors visual experience of a mandatory Class I area. This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the geographic extent, intensity, duration, frequency and time of visibility impairments, and how these factors correlate with times of visitor use of the mandatory Class I area, and the frequency and timing of natural conditions that reduce visibility.

R307-406-2. Source Review
Latest version.

(1) The director shall review any new major source or major modification proposed in either an attainment area or area of nonattainment area for the impact of its emissions on visibility in any mandatory Class I area. As a condition of any approval order issued to a source under R307-401, the director shall require the use of air pollution control equipment, technologies, methods or work practices deemed necessary to mitigate visibility impacts in Class I areas that would occur as a result of emissions from such source. The director shall take into consideration as a part of the review and control requirements:

(a) the costs of compliance;

(b) the time necessary for compliance;

(c) the energy usage and conservation;

(d) the non air quality environmental impacts of compliance;

(e) the useful life of the source; and

(f) the degree of visibility improvement which will be provided as a result of control.

(2) In determining visibility impact by a major new source or major modification, the director shall use, the procedures identified in the EPA publication "Workbook For Estimating Visibility Impacts" (EPA 450-4-80-031) November 1980, or equivalent.

(3) The director shall insure that source emissions will be consistent with making reasonable progress toward the national visibility goal referred to in 40 CFR, 51.300(a).

R307-406-3. Notification of Federal Land Managers
Latest version.

(1) The director shall notify the Federal Land Manager having jurisdiction over any mandatory Class I area of any proposed new major source or major modification that may reasonably be expected to affect visibility in that mandatory Class I area. Such notification shall be in writing and shall include a copy of all information relevant to the Notice of Intent and visibility impact analysis submitted by the source. The notification shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the completed Notice of Intent and at least sixty (60) days prior to any public hearing or the commencement of any public comment period, held in accordance with R307-401-4 of these regulations, on the proposal. The director shall consider, as a part of the new or modified source review required by R307-406, any analysis performed by the Federal Land Manager that such proposed new major source or major modification may have an adverse impact on visibility in any mandatory Class I area, provided such analysis is submitted to the director within sixty (60) days of the notification to the Federal Land Manager as required by this paragraph. If the director determines that the major source or major modification will have an adverse impact on visibility in any mandatory Class I area, the director shall not issue the approval order. Where the director determines that such analysis does not demonstrate that adverse impact on visibility will result in a mandatory Class I area, the director will, in the notice of any public hearing held on the new major source or major modification proposal, explain the decision or give notice where the explanation can be obtained.

(2) Where the director receives advance notification or early consultation with a major new source or major modification which may affect visibility prior to the submission of a Notice of Intent to Construct for the major new source or major modification, the director will notify the affected Federal Land Manager within thirty (30) days of such advance notification.

R307-406-4. Adverse Impact
Latest version.

If the analysis required by R307-406-2 predicts that an adverse impact on visibility may reasonably be expected to occur in a mandatory Class I area, the director may require a proposed new major source or major modification to perform pre-construction and/or post-construction visibility monitoring in any mandatory Class I area as deemed necessary and appropriate to assess the impact of the proposed source or modification on visibility. Such monitoring shall be conducted in accordance with a monitoring plan prepared by the owner or operator of the source or his representative and approved by the director.

R307-406-5. Consideration in Review
Latest version.

The director will consider in review and permitting of a new major source or major modification to an existing source, any visibility monitoring data provided by the Federal Land Manager which may reasonably be expected to be impacted by the proposed new major source or major modification.

R307-406-6. Audits for Permitting
Latest version.

The director may perform oversight audits of any network collecting visibility data which may be used as a part of the permitting process as determined necessary.