R307-310. Salt Lake County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity  

R307-310-1. Purpose
Latest version.

This rule establishes the procedures that may be used to trade a portion of the primary PM10 budget when demonstrating that a transportation plan, transportation improvement program, or project conforms with the motor vehicle emission budgets in the Salt Lake County portion of Section IX, Part A of the State Implementation Plan, "Fine Particulate Matter (PM10)"

R307-310-2. Definitions
Latest version.

The definitions contained in 40 CFR 93.101, effective as of the date referenced in R307-101-3, are incorporated into this rule by reference. The following additional definitions apply to this rule.

"Budget" means the motor vehicle emission projections used in the attainment demonstration in the Salt Lake County portion of Section IX, Part A of the State Implementation Plan, "Fine Particulate Matter (PM10)."

"NOx" means oxides of nitrogen.

"Primary PM10" means PM10 that is emitted directly by a source. Primary PM10 does not include particulate matter that is formed when gaseous emissions undergo chemical reactions in the ambient air.

"Transportation Conformity" means a demonstration that a transportation plan, transportation improvement program, or project conforms with the emissions budgets in a state implementation plan, as outlined in 40 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 93, "Determining Conformity of Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans."

R307-310-3. Applicability
Latest version.

(1) This rule applies to agencies responsible for demonstrating transportation conformity with the Salt Lake County portion of Section IX, Part A of the State Implementation Plan, "Fine Particulate Matter (PM10)."

(2) This rule does not apply to emission budgets from Section IX, Part D.2 of the State Implementation Plan, "Ozone Maintenance Plan."

(3) This rule does not apply to emission budgets from Section IX, Part C.7 of the State Implementation Plan, "Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions."

R307-310-4. Trading Between Emission Budgets
Latest version.

(1) The agencies responsible for demonstrating transportation conformity are authorized to supplement the budget for NOx with a portion of the budget for primary PM10 for the purpose of demonstrating transportation conformity for NOx. The NOx budget shall be supplemented using the following procedures.

(a) The metropolitan planning organization shall include the following information in the transportation conformity demonstration:

(i) The budget for primary PM10 and NOx for each required year of the conformity demonstration, before trading allowed by this rule has been applied;

(ii) The portion of the primary PM10 budget that will be used to supplement the NOx budget, specified in tons per day using a 1:1 ratio of primary PM10 to NOx, for each required year of the conformity demonstration;

(iii) The remainder of the primary PM10 budget that will be used in the conformity demonstration for primary PM10, specified in tons per day for each required year of the conformity demonstration; and

(iv) The budget for primary PM10 and NOx for each required year of the conformity demonstration after the trading allowed by this rule has been applied.

(b) Transportation conformity for NOx shall be demonstrated using the NOx budget supplemented by a portion of the primary PM10 budget as described in (a)(ii). Transportation conformity for primary PM10 shall be demonstrated using the remainder of the primary PM10 budget described in (a)(iii).

(c) The primary PM10 budget shall not be supplemented by using a portion of the NOx budget.

R307-310-5. Transition Provision
Latest version.

R307-310, sections 1-4 will remain in effect until the day that EPA approves the conformity budget in the PM10 maintenance plan adopted by the board on July 6, 2005.