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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality |
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R307-309. Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust |
R307-309-6. Fugitive Dust Control Plan
(1) Any person owning or operating a new or existing source of fugitive dust, including storage, hauling or handling operations, clearing or leveling of land one-quarter acre or greater in size, earthmoving, excavation, moving trucks or construction equipment over cleared land one-quarter acre or greater in size or access haul roads, or demolition activities including razing homes, buildings or other structures, shall submit a fugitive dust control plan on a form provided by the director or another format approved by the director.
(a) A fugitive dust control plan that has been submitted to and accepted by the director prior to December 3, 2012, will fulfill the requirements of R307-309-6 for that source.
(2) Activities regulated by R307-309 shall not commence before the fugitive dust control plan is approved by the director.
(a) Successful completion of the web-based division-sponsored fugitive dust control plan tool shall constitute plan approval.
(b) Hard copy fugitive control plan submission must be reviewed and approved by the director prior to commencing activities regulated by R307-309.
(3) Sources with an existing fugitive dust control plan who make site modifications that result in emission changes shall submit an updated fugitive dust control plan.
(4) Minimum fugitive dust control plan requirements. At a minimum, a fugitive dust control plan must include the following requirements as they apply to a source:
(a) Backfilling.
(i) Stabilize backfill material when not actively handling.
(ii) Stabilize backfill material during handling.
(iii) Stabilize soil at completion of backfilling activity.
(iv) Stabilize material while using pipe padder equipment.
(b) Blasting.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where drills, support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Stabilize soil during blast preparation activities.
(iii) Stabilize soil after blasting.
(c) Clearing.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Stabilize disturbed soil immediately after clearing and grubbing activities.
(iii) Stabilize slopes at completion of activity.
(d) Clearing forms, foundations and slabs.
(i) Use water, sweeping and vacuum to clear.
(e) Crushing.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Stabilize material before, during and after crushing.
(iii) Traffic mileage or speed controls.
(iv) Minimize transfer height.
(f) Cut and fill.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Pre-water soils.
(iii) Stabilize soil during and after cut activities.
(g) Demolition-implosion.
(i) Stabilize surface area where support equipment and vehicles will be operated.
(ii) Stabilize demolition debris immediately following blast and safety clearance.
(iii) Stabilize and clean surrounding area immediately following blast and safety clearance.
(h) Demolition-mechanical and manual.
(i) Stabilize surface areas where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Stabilize demolition debris during handling.
(iii) Stabilize debris following demolition.
(iv) Stabilize surrounding area following demolition.
(i) Disturbed soil.
(i) Limit disturbance of soils where possible.
(ii) Stabilize and maintain stability of all disturbed soil throughout construction site.
(j) Hauling materials.
(i) Limit visible dust opacity from vehicular operations.
(ii) Stabilize materials during transport on site.
(iii) Clean wheels and undercarriage of haul trucks prior to leaving construction site.
(k) Paving subgrade preparation.
(i) Stabilize adjacent disturbed soils following paving activities by applying water, chemical stabilizer and/or synthetic cover.
(l) Sawing and cutting materials.
(i) Limit visible emissions using water or vacuum.
(m) Screening.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Pre-treat material prior to screening.
(iii) Stabilize material during screening.
(iv) Stabilize material and surrounding area immediately after screening.
(v) Minimize transfer height.
(n) Staging areas.
(i) Limit visible dust opacity from vehicular operations.
(ii) Stabilize staging area soils during use.
(iii) Stabilize staging area soils at project completion.
(o) Stockpiling.
(i) Stabilize stockpile materials during and after handling.
(ii) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(p) Trackout prevention and cleanup.
(i) Install and maintain trackout control devices in effective condition at all access points where paved and unpaved access or travel routes intersect.
(q) Traffic on unpaved routes and parking areas.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(r) Trenching.
(i) Stabilize surface soils where trenching equipment, support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(ii) Stabilize soils after trenching.
(s) Truck loading.
(i) Empty loader bucket slowly and keep loader bucket close to the truck to minimize the drop height while dumping.
(ii) Stabilize surface soils where support equipment and vehicles will operate.
(5) The fugitive dust control plan must include contact information, site address, total area of disturbance, expected start and completion dates, identification of dust suppressant and plan certification by signature of a responsible person.