R307-309-11. Tailings Piles and Ponds  

Latest version.
  •   (1) In addition to the requirements under R307-309-1 through R307-309-6, fugitive dust, construction activities, and roadways associated with tailings piles and ponds are regulated under the provisions of R307-309-11.

      (2) Any person owning or operating an existing tailings operation where fugitive dust results from grading, excavating, depositing, or natural erosion or other causes in association with such operation shall take steps to minimize fugitive dust from such activities. Such controls shall include:

      (a) Watering or;

      (b) Chemical stabilization or;

      (c) Synthetic covers or;

      (d) Vegetative covers or;

      (e) Wind breaks or;

      (f) A combination of R307-309-11(2)(a)-(e);

      (g) Minimizing the area of disturbed tailings;

      (h) Restricting the speed of vehicles in and around the tailings operation; or

      (i) Other techniques which may be approvable by the director and upon concurrence by EPA.