R277-522. Entry Years Enhancements (EYE) for Quality Teaching - Level 1 Utah Teachers  

R277-522-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

  (1) This rule is authorized by:

  (a) Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3, which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board;

  (b) Subsection 53E-3-401(4), which allows the Board to make rules to execute the Board's duties and responsibilities under the Utah Constitution and state law;

  (c) Subsection 53E-6-103(2)(a)(iii), which finds that the implementation of progressive strategies regarding induction, professional development and evaluation are essential in creating successful teachers; and

  (d) Section 53E-6-301, which directs the Board to establish rules for the training and experience required of educator license applicants.

  (2) The purpose of this rule is to outline required entry years enhancements of professional and emotional support for Level 1 teachers to develop successful teaching skills and strategies with assistance from experienced colleagues.

R277-522-2. Definitions
Latest version.

  (1) "Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools" or "CACTUS" has the same meaning as set forth in Subsection R277-512-2(1).

  (2) "Entry years" means the three years a beginning teacher holds a Level 1 license.

  (3) "Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium" or "INTASC" means the organization that has established Model Standards for Beginning Teacher Licensing and Development, which include ten principles reflecting what beginning teachers should know and be able to do as a professional teacher.

  (4) "LEA" includes, for purposes of this rule, the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.

  (5) "Level 1 license" has the same meaning as set forth in Subsection R277-503-2(9).

  (6) "Level 2 license" has the same meaning as set forth in Subsection R277-503-2(10).

  (7) "Level 3 license" has the same meaning as set forth in Subsection R277-503-2(11).

  (8) "Mentor" means a Level 2 or Level 3 educator, who is trained to advise and guide Level 1 teachers.

  (9) "Praxis II" or "Praxis II - Principles of Learning and Teaching" is a widely-used standards-based test designed by the Educational Testing Services to assess a beginning teacher's pedagogical knowledge.

  (10) "Professional development" means locally or Board-approved education-related training or activities that enhance an educator's background consistent with Rule R277-501.

  (11) "Teaching assessment or evaluation" means an observation of a Level 1 teacher's instructional skills by a school district or school administrator using an evaluation tool based on or similar to INTASC principles.

  (12) "Working portfolio" means a collection of documents prepared by a Level 1 teacher and used as a tool for evaluation.

R277-522-3. Required Entry Years Enhancements Requirements for a Level 1 Teacher to Advance to a Level 2 License
Latest version.

  (1) Prior to advancement to a Level 2 license, a Level 1 teacher shall:

  (a) satisfactorily collaborate with a trained mentor;

  (b) pass a required pedagogical exam;

  (c) complete three years of employment and evaluation; and

  (d) compile a working portfolio.

  (2) A principal shall assign a mentor to each Level 1 teacher in the first semester of teaching to supervise and act as a resource for the entry level teacher.

  (3) A mentor teacher shall teach in the same school, and where feasible, in the same subject area as the Level 1 teacher.

  (4) A mentor assigned in accordance with Subsection (2) shall:

  (a) hold a Level 2 or 3 license; and

  (b) have completed a mentor training program including continuing professional development.

  (5) A mentor assigned in accordance with Subsection (2) shall:

  (a) guide the Level 1 teacher to meet the procedural demands of the school and school district;

  (b) provide moral and emotional support;

  (c) arrange for opportunities for the Level 1 teacher to observe teachers who use various models of teaching;

  (d) share personal knowledge and expertise about new materials, planning strategies, curriculum development and teaching methods;

  (e) assist the Level 1 teacher with classroom management and discipline;

  (f) support the Level 1 teacher on an ongoing basis;

  (g) help the Level 1 teacher to understand the implications of student diversity for teaching and learning;

  (h) engage the Level 1 teacher in self-assessment and reflection; and

  (i) assist with development of the Level 1 teacher's portfolio.

  (6) A Level 1 teacher shall pass the Praxis II with a qualifying score of at least 160 prior to advancing to Level 2 licensure.

  (a) A Level 1 teacher may take the Praxis II successive times.

  (b) The Superintendent shall post a Level 1 teacher's Praxis II results in CACTUS.

  (7) A Level 1 teacher shall successfully complete evaluation through an LEA or accredited private school.

  (a) A Level 1 teacher shall maintain full employment for three years in an LEA or accredited private school.

  (b) An employing LEA or accredited private school may, following evaluation of a Level 1 teacher's experience, determine that teaching experience outside of the Utah public schools satisfies the teaching experience requirement of this rule.

  (c) An LEA has discretion in determining the employment or reemployment status of individuals.

  (d)(i) A Level 1 teacher's employing LEA or accredited private school is responsible for conducting the evaluations required under this rule.

  (ii) An LEA may assign evaluations required under this rule to a school principal.

  (e) A Level 1 teacher's evaluations shall take place at least twice during the first year of teaching and at least twice during each of the following two years with a satisfactory final evaluation.

  (8) A Level 1 teacher shall compile a working portfolio during the teacher's entry years.

  (a) A Level 1 teacher's employing LEA or accredited private school shall review and evaluate the portfolio.

  (b) The Superintendent may review the portfolio upon request during the Level 1 teacher's second year of teaching.

  (9) A portfolio required under Subsection (8) shall be based upon INTASC principles; and may:

  (a) include teaching artifacts;

  (b) include notations explaining the artifacts; and

  (c) include a reflection and self-assessment of the teacher's own practice; or

  (d) be interpreted broadly to include the employing LEA's or accredited private school's requirement of samples of the first year teaching experience.

R277-522-4. Satisfaction of Entry Years Enhancements
Latest version.

  (1) If a Level 1 teacher fails to complete all enhancements as enumerated in Section R277-522-3, the Level 1 teacher may remain in a provisional employment status until the Level 1 teacher completes the enhancements.

  (a) An LEA or accredited private school may make a written request to the Superintendent for a one year extension of the Level 1 license in order to provide time for the educator to satisfy entry years enhancements.

  (b) A Level 1 teacher may repeat some or all of the entry years enhancements.

  (c) An opportunity to repeat or appeal an incomplete or unsatisfactory entry years enhancements process shall be designed and offered by the employing LEA or accredited private school.

  (2) An LEA or accredited private school shall make an annual recommendation to the Board of teachers approved in its schools to receive a Level 2 license, including documentation demonstrating completion of the enhancements.

  (3) An LEA or accredited private school may also report the names of teachers who did not successfully complete entry years enhancements to the Board.

  (4) The Superintendent shall prepare an annual report tracking the success of retention and the job satisfaction of Utah educators who complete the entry years enhancement program.

R277-522-5. Sunset Clause
Latest version.

  (1) This rule will sunset on June 30, 2023.

  (2) An individual holding a current Level 1 license on January 1, 2020 may be upgraded to a Level 2 license without completing the requirements of Subsection R277-522-3(6).