R277-500-3. Educator License Renewal Requirements  

Latest version.
  •   A. Professional Learning Plan for Active Educators

      (1) An active educator, in collaboration with the active educator's supervisor, shall develop and maintain a professional learning plan as a subset of the active educator's professional growth plan.

      (2) The professional learning plan shall outline the professional learning activities in which the educator will participate during the educator's current license renewal cycle;

      (3) The professional learning plan shall be developed by taking into account:

      (a) the educator's professional goals;

      (b) curriculum relevant to the educator's current or anticipated assignment;

      (c) goals and priorities of the LEA and school;

      (d) available student data relevant to the educator's current or anticipated assignment;

      (e) feedback from the educator's yearly evaluation required under Section 53G-11-504;

      (f) the requirements under R277-522 if the educator is a Level 1 licensed educator.

      (4) The professional learning plan for active educators shall include two hours of professional learning on youth suicide prevention consistent with Section 53G-9-704.

      (5) The professional learning plan shall be reviewed and signed annually by the educator and supervisor and may be adjusted as appropriate.

      (6) The educator is responsible for creation of the professional learning plan in collaboration with the designated supervisor.

      (7) The educator is responsible for maintaining documentation associated with the plan and the annual review of the plan.

      (8) The LEA may create tools or policies or both to assist educators in meeting this responsibility.

      B. Professional Learning Plan for Inactive Educators

      (1) All inactive educators intending to renew an educator license shall, in collaboration with a licensed administrator, develop and maintain a professional learning plan.

      (2) The professional learning plan shall outline the professional learning activities in which the educator will participate during the educator's current license renewal cycle.

      (3) The plan shall take into account:

      (a) the educator's professional goals;

      (b) current license areas of concentration and endorsements;

      (c) current trends relevant to the educator's current license areas of concentration and endorsements;

      (d) the Utah Core Standards relevant to the educator's current license areas of concentration and endorsements;

      (4) The professional learning plan shall be reviewed and signed by the educator and a licensed administrator at the beginning of the license renewal cycle and again at the end of the license renewal cycle.

      (5) The educator shall develop the professional learning plan and maintain documentation of the plan.

      C. License Renewal Points

      (1) To be valid for renewal, the professional learning plan shall document that the educator has earned the appropriate number of license renewal points as defined in R277-500-3.

      (2) License holders may accrue license renewal points beginning with the date of each new license renewal.

      (3) A Level 1 license holder shall earn at least 100 license renewal points in each three year period. A Level 1 license may only be renewed consistent with R277-504-3D.

      (4) A Level 2 license holder shall earn at least 200 license renewal points in each 5 year period.

      (5) A Level 3 license holder shall earn at least 200 license renewal points in each 7 year period.

      D. Documentation

      (1) Each Utah license holder shall be responsible for maintaining documentation supporting completion of the professional learning plan.

      (2) It is the educator's responsibility to retain documentation of professional learning activities with appropriate signatures.

      (3) All documentation relevant to the professional learning plan shall be retained by the educator for a minimum of two years from the designated renewal date.

      E. Educator Ethics Review

      (1) Completion of the USOE Educator Ethics Review shall be required for the renewal of a Utah educator license beginning January 1, 2011.

      (2) No license may be renewed prior to the completion of the USOE Educator Ethics Review.

      (3) The Ethics Review shall be completed within one calendar year prior to license renewal.

      F. The Superintendent may renew an educator's license if:

      (1) the educator's background check is complete; and

      (2) the educator is currently enrolled in ongoing monitoring through registration with the systems described in Section 53G-11-404.