R25-11-2. Meeting Procedure

Latest version.
  •   (1) Procedure. The following provisions govern any meeting at which one or more board members appear telephonically or electronically pursuant to Utah Code Section 52-4-207:

      (a) If one or more members of the board may participate in any meeting electronically or telephonically, public notices of the meeting shall so indicate. In addition, the notices shall specify the anchor location where the members of the board who are not participating electronically or telephonically will be meeting and where interested persons and the public may attend, monitor, and participate in the open portions of the meeting.

      (b) In accordance with Utah Code Section 52-4-202 and Section 52-4-207, notice of the meeting and the agenda shall be posted at the anchor location. Written or electronic notice shall also be provided at least 24 hours before the meetings on the Public Notice Website and to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the state or to a local media correspondent.

      (c) Notice of the possibility of an electronic meeting shall be given to the board members at least 24 hours before the meeting. In addition, the notice shall describe how a board member may participate in the meeting electronically or telephonically.

      (d) When notice is given of the possibility of a board member(s) appearing electronically or telephonically, any member(s) may do so and shall be counted as present for purposes of a quorum and may fully participate and vote on any matter coming before the board. At the commencement of the meeting, or at such time as any member initially appears electronically or telephonically, the chair shall identify for the record all those who are appearing telephonically or electronically. Votes by members of the board who are not at the physical location of the meeting shall be confirmed by the chair.

      (e) The anchor location, unless otherwise designated in the notice, shall be in the State Capitol Building, room 415, 350 North State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. The anchor location is the physical location from which the electronic meeting originates or from which the participants are connected. In addition, the anchor location shall have space and facilities so that interested persons and the public may attend, monitor, and participate in the open portions of the meeting.