R174-1-7. Awarding a Grant  

Latest version.
  •   (1) The recommendation to award a grant shall be made by a majority vote of the committee.

      (2) The committee may only recommend grants for the purchase of equipment or the delivery of services in an amount which is equal to, or less than, the amount that would be paid to a State vendor or contractor.

      (3)(a) All grant awards shall be memorialized in a contract between the Authority and the grant recipient.

      (b) Each contract shall include the following conditions:

      (i) the state or local entity shall agree to participate in the statewide 911 data management system sponsored by the committee;

      (ii) the grant may be used only for the purposes specified in the application; and

      (iii) the grant shall be de-obligated if the state or local entity breaches the terms of the contract.

      (4)(a) Unspent grant funds shall be automatically de-obligated within one year from the approval of the original grant.

      (b) A PSAP may request a time extension to spend grant funds in extenuating circumstances.

      (i) The request shall be made in writing and explain the extenuating circumstances that justify additional time to spend the grant funds.

      (ii) The committee shall recommend the approval or denial of the request by a majority vote.