R162-2f-202a. Sales Agent Licensing Fees and Procedures  

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  • (1) To obtain a Utah license to practice as a sales agent, an individual who is not currently and actively licensed in any state shall:

    (a) evidence honesty, integrity, truthfulness, and reputation pursuant to Subsection R162-2f-201(1);

    (b) evidence competency to transact the business of real estate pursuant to Subsection R162-2f-201(2);

    (c)(i) successfully complete 120 hours of approved prelicensing education;

    (ii) evidence current membership in the Utah State Bar; or

    (iii) apply to the division for waiver of all or part of the education requirement by virtue of:

    (A) completing equivalent education as part of a college undergraduate or postgraduate degree program, regardless of the date of the degree; or

    (B) completing other equivalent real estate education within the 12-month period prior to the date of application;

    (d)(i) apply with a testing service designated by the division to sit for the licensing examination; and

    (ii) pay a nonrefundable examination fee to the testing center;

    (e) pursuant to this Subsection (3)(a), take and pass both the state and national components of the licensing examination;

    (f) pursuant to this Subsection (3)(b), submit to the division an application for licensure including:

    (i) documentation indicating successful completion of the required prelicensing education;

    (ii) a report of the examination showing a passing score for each component of the examination; and

    (iii) the applicant's business, home, and e-mail addresses;

    (g) if applying for an active license, affiliate with a principal broker; and

    (h) pay the nonrefundable fees required for licensure, including the nonrefundable fee required under Section 61-2f-505 for the Real Estate Education, Research, and Recovery Fund.

    (2) To obtain a Utah license to practice as a sales agent, an individual who is currently and actively licensed in another state shall:

    (a) evidence honesty, integrity, truthfulness, and reputation pursuant to Subsection R162-2f-201(1);

    (b) evidence competency to transact the business of real estate pursuant to Subsection R162-2f-201(2);

    (c)(i) successfully complete 120 hours of approved prelicensing education;

    (ii) evidence current membership in the Utah State Bar; or

    (iii) apply to the division for waiver of all or part of the education requirement by virtue of:

    (A) completing equivalent education as part of a college undergraduate or postgraduate degree program, regardless of the date of the degree;

    (B) completing other equivalent real estate education within the 12-month period prior to the date of application; or

    (C) having been licensed in a state that has substantially equivalent prelicensing education requirements;

    (d)(i) apply with a testing service designated by the division to sit for the licensing examination; and

    (ii) pay a nonrefundable examination fee to the testing center;

    (e)(i) pursuant to this Subsection (3)(a), take and pass both the state and national components of the licensing examination; or

    (ii) if actively licensed during the two years immediately preceding the date of application in a state that has substantially equivalent licensing examination requirements:

    (A) take and pass the state component of the licensing examination; and

    (B) apply to the division for a waiver of the national component of the licensing examination;

    (f) pursuant to this Subsection (3)(b), submit to the division an application for licensure including:

    (i) documentation indicating successful completion of the required prelicensing education;

    (ii) a report of the examination showing a passing score for each component of the examination; and

    (iii) the applicant's business, home, and e-mail addresses;

    (g) provide from any state where licensed:

    (i) a written record of the applicant's license history; and

    (ii) complete documentation of any disciplinary action taken against the applicant's license;

    (h) if applying for an active license, affiliate with a principal broker; and

    (i) pay the nonrefundable fees required for licensure, including the nonrefundable fee required under Section 61-2f-505 for the Real Estate Education, Research, and Recovery Fund.

    (3) Deadlines.

    (a) If an individual passes one test component but fails the other, the individual shall retake and pass the failed component:

    (i) within six months of the date on which the individual achieves a passing score on the passed component; and

    (ii) within 12 months of the date on which the individual completes the prelicensing education.

    (b) An application for licensure shall be submitted:

    (i) within 90 days of the date on which the individual achieves passing scores on both examination components; and

    (ii) within 12 months of the date on which the individual completes the prelicensing education.

    (c) If any deadline in this Section R162-2f-202a falls on a day when the division is closed for business, the deadline shall be extended to the next business day.