R156-9-611. Use of Funds in Trust Account to Purchase Insurance or Annuity Policy  

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  • A funeral service establishment may convert a contract funded by monies held in trust with a contract funded by the proceeds from an insurance or annuity policy provided:

    (1) the buyer consents in writing to the conversion after full disclosure of the consequences of the transaction in writing by the funeral service establishment;

    (2) the buyer's consent is given without coercion, threat, concealment of material fact, undue influence, or other prejudicial influence inconsistent with the buyer's best interest;

    (3) the funeral service establishment uses all monies held in the individual trust account, including interest, as premium for the purchase of the life insurance or annuity policy, unless otherwise directed in writing by the buyer;

    (4) the new preneed funeral arrangement contract must be in writing and must provide for goods and services which at least equal to those required of the funeral service establishment under the original contract, and

    (5) the new contract meets all requirements of Title 58, Chapter 9, and this rule.