R156-60-205. Qualifications for Licensure as a Clinical Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Mental Health Counselor, or Substance Use Disorder Counselor  

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  •   The two-hour pre-licensure suicide prevention course required by Subsections 58-60-205(1)(e)(iii), 58-60-305(1)(e)(iv), 58-60-405(1)(e)(iv), and 58-60-506(5)(b)(ii) shall meet the following standards:

      (1) The course provider shall meet the requirements of this section and shall be one of the following:

      (a) a recognized accredited college or university;

      (b) a county, state, or federal agency; or

      (c) a professional association or similar body involved in mental health therapy.

      (2) The content of the course shall be relevant to mental health therapy, suicide prevention, consistent with the laws of this state, and include one or more of the following components:

      (a) suicide concepts and facts;

      (b) suicide risk assessment, crisis intervention, and first aid;

      (c) evidence-based intervention for suicide risk;

      (d) continuity of care and follow-up services for suicide risk; and

      (e) therapeutic alliances for intervention in suicide risk.

      (3) Each hour of education shall consist of 50 minutes of education in the form of classroom lectures and discussion, workshops, webinars, online self-paced modules, case study review, and simulations.

      (4) A course provider shall document and verify attendance and completion.

      (5) An applicant for licensure is responsible for submitting evidence of course completion to the Division as a prerequisite for licensure.