Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing |
R156-56. Building Inspector and Factory Built Housing Licensing Act Rule |
R156-56-713. Statewide Amendments to the IEBC.
The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC to be applicable statewide:
(1) In Section 101.5 the exception is deleted.
(2) Section R106.3.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:
R106.3.2 Previous approval. If a lawful permit has been issued and the construction of which has been pursued in good faith within 180 days after the effective date of the code and has not been abandoned, then the construction may be completed under the code in effect at the time of the issuance of the permit.
(3) In Section 202 the definition for existing buildings is deleted and replaced with the following:
EXISTING BUILDING. A building lawfully erected prior to January 1, 2002, or one which is deemed a legal non-conforming building by the code official, and one which is not a dangerous building.
(4) Section 606.2.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:
602.2.2 Parapet bracing, wall anchors, and other appendages. Buildings constructed prior to 1975 shall have parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc. evaluated by a licensed engineer when said building is undergoing reroofing, or alteration of or repair to said feature. Such parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages shall be evaluated in accordance with the reduced International Building Code level seismic forces as specified in IEBC Section 506.1.1.3 and design procedures of Section 506.1.1.1. When found to be deficient because of design or deteriorated condition, the engineer shall prepare specific recommendations to anchor, brace, reinforce, or remove the deficient feature.
1. Group R-3 and U occupancies.
2. Unreinforced masonry parapets need not be braced according to the above stated provisions provided that the maximum height of an unreinforced masonry parapet above the level of the diaphragm tension anchors or above the parapet braces shall not exceed one and one-half times the thickness of the parapet wall. The parapet height may be a maximum of two and one-half times its thickness in other than Seismic Design Categories D, E, or F.
(5) Section 705.3.1.2 is deleted and replaced with the following:
705.3.1.2 Fire escapes required. When more than one exit is required, an existing fire escape complying with Section 705. shall be accepted as providing one of the required means of egress.
705. Fire escape access and details. Fire escapes shall comply with all of the following requirements:
1. Occupants shall have unobstructed access to the fire escapes without having to pass through a room subject to locking.
2. Access to an existing fire escape shall be through a door, except that windows shall be permitted to provide access from single dwelling units or sleeping units in Group R-1, R-2, and I-1 occupancies or to provide access from spaces having a maximum occupant load of 10 in other occupancy classifications.
3. Existing fire escapes shall be permitted only where exterior stairs cannot be utilized because of lot lines limiting the stair size or because of the sidewalks, alleys, or roads at grade level.
4. Openings within 10 feet (3048 mm) of fire escape stairs shall be protected by fire assemblies having minimum 3/4-hour fire-resistance ratings.
Exception: Opening protection shall not be required in buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
5. In all buildings of Group E occupancy, up to and including the 12th grade, buildings of Group I occupancy, rooming houses, and childcare centers, ladders of any type are prohibited on fire escapes used as a required means of egress.
(6) Section 906.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:
906.1 General. Accessibility in portions of buildings undergoing a change of occupancy classification shall comply with Section 605 and 912.8.
(7) Section 907.3.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:
When a building or portion thereof is subject to a change of occupancy such that a change in the nature of the occupancy results in a higher seismic occupancy based on Table 1604.5 of the International Building Code; or where such change of occupancy results in a reclassification of a building to a higher hazard category as shown in Table 912.4; or where a change of a Group M occupancy to a Group A, ETM R-1, R-2, or R-4 occupancy with two-thirds or more of the floors involved in Level 3 alteration work; or when such change of occupancy results in a design occupant load increase of 100% or more, the building shall conform to the seismic requirements of the International Building Code for the new seismic use group.
Exceptions 1-4 remain unchanged.
5. Where the design occupant load increase is less than 25 occupants and the occupancy category does not change.
(8) In Section 912.7.3 exception 2 is deleted.
(9) In Section 912.8 number 7 is added as follows:
7. When a change of occupancy in a building or portion of a building results in a Group R-2 occupancy, not less than 20 percent of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type B dwelling or sleeping units. These dwelling or sleeping units may be located on any floor of the building provided with an accessible route. Two percent, but not less than one unit, of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type A dwelling units.