R156-17b-614f. Operating Standards - Central Prescription Processing  

Latest version.
  •   In accordance with Subsection 58-17b-601(1), the following operating standards apply to pharmacies that engage in central prescription processing as defined in Subsection 58-17b-102(9):

      (1) Centralized prescription processing services may be performed if the parties:

      (a) have common ownership or common administrative control; or

      (b) have a written contract outlining the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each party in fulfilling the terms of said contract; and

      (c) share a common electronic file or have appropriate technology to allow access to sufficient information necessary or required to fill or refill a prescription drug order.

      (2) The parties performing or contracting for centralized prescription processing services shall maintain a policy and procedures manual, and documentation of implementation, which shall be made available to the Division upon inspection and which includes the following:

      (a) a description of how the parties will comply with federal and state laws and regulations;

      (b) appropriate records to identify the responsible pharmacists and the dispensing and counseling process;

      (c) a mechanism for tracking the prescription drug order during each step in the dispensing process;

      (d) a description of adequate security to protect the integrity and prevent the illegal use or disclosure of protected health information; and

      (e) a continuous quality improvement program for pharmacy services designed to objectively and systematically monitor and evaluate the quality and appropriateness of patient care, pursue opportunities to improve patient care, and resolve identified problems.

      (3) "Non drug or device handling central prescription processing pharmacies", as defined in Subsection R156-17b-102(37), shall be licensed as Class E pharmacies. All other central prescription processing pharmacies shall be licensed in the appropriate pharmacy license classification.