R156-1-501. Unprofessional Conduct  

Latest version.
  •   "Unprofessional conduct" includes:

      (1) surrendering licensure to any other licensing or regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the licensee or applicant in the same occupation or profession while an investigation or inquiry into allegations of unprofessional or unlawful conduct is in progress or after a charging document has been filed against the applicant or licensee alleging unprofessional or unlawful conduct;

      (2) practicing a regulated occupation or profession in, through, or with a limited liability company which has omitted the words "limited company," "limited liability company," or the abbreviation "L.C." or "L.L.C." in the commercial use of the name of the limited liability company;

      (3) practicing a regulated occupation or profession in, through, or with a limited partnership which has omitted the words "limited partnership," "limited," or the abbreviation "L.P." or "Ltd." in the commercial use of the name of the limited partnership;

      (4) practicing a regulated occupation or profession in, through, or with a professional corporation which has omitted the words "professional corporation" or the abbreviation "P.C." in the commercial use of the name of the professional corporation;

      (5) using a DBA (doing business as name) which has not been properly registered with the Division of Corporations and with the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing;

      (6) failing, as a prescribing practitioner, to follow the "Model Policy for the Use of Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Pain", 2004, established by the Federation of State Medical Boards, which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference;

      (7) failing, as a prescribing practitioner, to follow the "Model Policy on the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain", July 2013, adopted by the Federation of State Medical Boards, which is incorporated by reference;

      (8) violating any term, condition, or requirement contained in a "diversion agreement", as defined in Subsection 58-1-404(6)(a); or

      (9) failing, as a health care provider, to follow the health care claims practices of Subsection 31A-26-301.5(4), in violation of Subsection 58-1-508(2).