R156-1-308f. Denial of Renewal of Licensure - Classification of Proceedings - Conditional Renewal of Licensure During Adjudicative Proceedings - Conditional Initial, Renewal, or Reinstatement Licensure During Audit or Investigation  

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  •   (1) When an initial, renewal or reinstatement applicant under Subsections 58-1-301(2) through (3) or 58-1-308(5) or (6)(b) is selected for audit, is under investigation, or is pending inspection, the Division may conditionally issue an initial license to an applicant for initial licensure, or renew or reinstate the license of an applicant pending the completion of the audit, investigation or inspection.

      (2) The undetermined completion of a referenced audit, investigation or inspection, rather than the established expiration date, shall be indicated as the expiration date of a conditionally issued, renewed, or reinstated license.

      (3) A conditional issuance, renewal, or reinstatement shall not constitute an adverse licensure action.

      (4) Upon completion of the audit, investigation, or inspection, the Division shall notify the initial license, renewal, or reinstatement applicant whether the applicant's license is unconditionally issued, renewed, reinstated, denied, or partially denied or reinstated.

      (5) A notice of unconditional denial or partial denial of licensure to an applicant the Division conditionally licensed, renewed, or reinstated shall include the following:

      (a) that the applicant's unconditional initial issuance, renewal, or reinstatement of licensure is denied or partially denied and the basis for such action;

      (b) the Division's file or other reference number of the audit or investigation; and

      (c) that the denial or partial denial of unconditional initial licensure, renewal, or reinstatement of licensure is subject to review and a description of how and when such review may be requested.