R13-1-2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 63G-4-103, except and in addition:

    (a) "agency" means the pertinent division or office of the Department of Administrative Services;

    (b) "applicability" means a determination if a statute, rule, or order should be applied, and if so, how the law stated should be applied to the facts;

    (c) "declaratory order" means an administrative interpretation or explanation of rights, status, and other legal relations under a statute, rule, or order;

    (d) "director" means the agency head or governing body with jurisdiction over the agency's adjudicative proceedings;

    (e) "order" is defined in Section 63G-3-102; and

    (f) "superior agency" means the Executive Director's Office of the Department of Administrative Services.