R982-405. Energy Assistance: Program Benefits  

R982-405-1. Program Benefits
Latest version.

Each household may apply for HEAT Crisis assistance up to a maximum of $500 per utility (two separate utilities) per program year - October 1 through September 30. Any amount that adds up over $500, whether it is made through a combination of HEAT Crisis payments, or one crisis payment throughout the year must get prior approval from the State.

R982-405-2. Standard Payment Levels
Latest version.

The energy assistance benefit payment level is based on a household's income and energy burden (energy burden is the proportion of a household's income used to pay for home heating). For example, households with the lowest income and the highest energy burden will receive the highest energy assistance benefit payment available. Households with children under age six years, the elderly (age 60 plus years), and/or disabled people may receive an additional energy assistance benefit amount.

R982-405-3. Benefit Payments
Latest version.

  Direct client payments will be made only when a contract with the primary heat source cannot be obtained or if the primary heat source is the landlord.

R982-405-4. Split Payments
Latest version.

  (1) If the client has more than one utility provider and the State of Utah only has a contract with one of the utility providers, up to 50% of the HEAT payment may be made to the client.

  (2) Payment disbursements may be split only in the percentages listed below:

  (a) 100%

  (b) 50%/50%

  (c) 75%/25%