R926-14-3. Definitions  

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  •   Terms used in this rule are defined in Title 72, Chapter 4. The following additional terms are defined for this rule:

      (1) "All-American Road" means a scenic byway designation made at the national level for state scenic byways that significantly meet criteria for multiple qualities out of the six defined intrinsic qualities.

      (2) "America's Byways" means the brand utilized by the National Scenic Byways Program for promotion of the National Scenic Byways and All American Roads.

      (3) "Committee" or "State Committee" means the Utah State Scenic Byway Committee as defined in Title 74, Chapter 4 and does not refer to any local scenic byway committee herein defined.

      (4) "Corridor management plan" means a written document prepared by the local scenic byway committee in accordance with federal policies that specifies the actions, procedures, controls, operational practices, and administrative strategies necessary to maintain the intrinsic qualities of a scenic byway.

      (5) "De-designation" means removing a current state scenic byway designation by the committee from an entire existing scenic byway.

      (6) "Department" means the Utah Department of Transportation.

      (7) "Designation" means selection of a roadway by the committee as a state scenic byway or selection of an existing state scenic byway by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation as one of America's Byways.

      (8) "Federal policies" means those rules outlining the National Scenic Byway Program and that set forth the criteria for designating roadways as National Scenic Byways or All-American Roads, specifically the FHWA Interim Policy.

      (9) "Local legislative body" means the elected governing board of a political subdivision, such as a town, city, county, or tribal government.

      (10) "GOED" means the Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development.

      (11) "Grant" means discretionary funding available on a competitive basis to designated scenic byways from the Federal Highway Administration through the National Scenic Byways Program.

      (12) "Intrinsic quality" means scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archaeological, or natural features that are considered representative, unique, irreplaceable, or distinctly characteristic of an area. The National Scenic Byways Program further defines each of these qualities.

      (13) "Local Scenic Byway Committee" means the committee consisting of the local byway coordinator and representatives from nearby local legislative bodies, agencies, tourism related groups and interested individuals that recommends and prioritizes various projects and applications relating to a scenic byway. The local scenic byway committee promotes and preserves intrinsic values along the byway.

      (14) "Local Byway Coordinator" means an individual recognized by the local scenic byway committee as chair. If a local scenic byway committee does not exist for a scenic byway, the local byway coordinator is an individual recognized by the state committee chair as the person to contact for applications and other administrative business for the state scenic byway.

      (15) "National Scenic Byway" means a scenic byway designation made at the national level for byways that significantly meet criteria for at least one quality out of the six defined intrinsic qualities.

      (16) "National Scenic Byways Program" or "NSBP" means a program provided by the Federal Highway Administration to promote the recognition and enjoyment of America's memorable roads.

      (17) "State Scenic Byway" means a Utah roadway corridor that has been duly designated by the committee for its intrinsic qualities.

      (18) "Status" refers to the current designation of a scenic byway, i.e., state scenic byway, National Scenic Byway, All-American Road, undesignated roadway, segmented scenic byway or de-designated scenic byway.