R850-6. Government Records Access and Management  

R850-6-100. Purposes and Authority
Latest version.

1. This rule provides procedures for appropriate access to agency records.

2. This rule is authorized by Sections 6, 8, 10, and 12 of the Utah Enabling Act; Articles X and XX of the Utah Constitution; and Sections 63A-12-104, 63G-2-204, 63G-2-603, 53C-1-201(3)(a)(i)(A), and 53C-2-102.

R850-6-200. Definitions
Latest version.

  1. Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 63G-2-103.

  2. In addition:

  (a) Records coordinators: individuals designated by the agency director to coordinate records access requests and to assist the public in gaining access to records maintained by the agency. Records coordinators are located in the Salt Lake Office, 675 East 500 South, Suite 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84102.

R850-6-300. Allocation of Responsibility Within the Agency
Latest version.

The agency is considered a governmental entity and the director of the agency is considered the head of the government entity.

R850-6-400. Requests for Access
Latest version.

1. Request for access to records shall be on a form provided by the agency or in another legible written document which contains the following information: the requester's name, mailing address, daytime telephone, a description of the records requested that identifies the record with reasonable specificity, and if the record is not public, information regarding requester's status.

2. The request shall be submitted to the records officer or coordinator. The response to the request may be delayed if not properly directed.

3. The agency shall deny a request for private, controlled, protected or limited access records if the request is not made in writing and does not contain information required in this section.

4. Notwithstanding the provision of subsection 63G-2-204(1), the agency may, at its discretion, waive the requirement for a written request if the records requested are public, the records are readily accessible and the request is filled promptly by providing access or copying at the time the request is made.

R850-6-500. Other Requests
Latest version.

1. For research purposes:

Access requests for private or controlled records for research purposes pursuant to Section 63G-2-202(8), shall be made in writing and directed only to the records officer.

2. To amend a record:

An individual may contest the accuracy or completeness of a document pertaining to him as maintained by the agency pursuant to Section 63G-2-603.

(a) The request to amend shall be made in writing to the records officer.

(b) Appeals of requests to amend a record shall be handled as informal hearings under the Utah Administrative Procedures Act.

3. To claim business confidentiality:

A request for protected records status based on a claim of business confidentiality may be made pursuant to Section 63G-2-309. Such a request shall be submitted in writing to the director or his designee. The request shall contain the claim of business confidentiality and a concise statement of reasons supporting the claim of business confidentiality.

4. To claim limited records status:

A lessee may claim that mineral information provided to the agency should be protected under Section 53C-2-102.

(a) Such a request shall be submitted in writing to the director or his designee. The request shall contain a claim that the information provided the agency is of a proprietary nature and a concise statement of reasons supporting the claim.

(b) If the agency agrees the information is of a proprietary nature, the request shall be granted and the information shall receive limited records status until:

i) the lease is terminated and the agency believes the release of the information is not detrimental to the trust; or

ii) the lessee or its successor in interest ceases to exist as an entity and the agency believes the release of the information is not detrimental to the trust.

(c) A record granted limited records status under this section shall not be released to another party without written permission from the lessee providing the information during the period the limited records status is in effect.

(d) The agency may make information provided limited records status under this section available for inspection, but not for copying, by the Utah Geological Survey or the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining if consultation is requested by the agency, provided further that the confidentiality of such information is safeguarded.

R850-6-600. Denials
Latest version.

1. If any access or status request is denied in whole or in part, a notice of denial shall be given to the requester in person or sent to the requester's address.

2. The notice of denial shall contain the information required in subsection 63G-2-205(2).

R850-6-700. Appeal of Determination
Latest version.

1. Any person aggrieved by an access or status request determination including a person not a party to the agency proceeding may, within 30 days after the determination, appeal the determination to the director by submitting a notice of appeal either on a form provided by the agency or another legible written document which contains the following information: the petitioner's name, mailing address and daytime telephone number (if available); and the relief sought.

2. Upon receiving the notice of appeal and review of relevant information including that submitted with the appeal and criteria prescribed in Sections 63G-2-204, 63G-2-603, and 53C-2-102, the director may:

(a) uphold the original classification or status request determination; or,

(b) reclassify the record if he believes the original classification was incorrect; or,

(c) release the record regardless of its classification if the director believes that the interest of the public in obtaining access to the record outweighs the interest of the agency in prohibiting access to the record.

R850-6-800. Fees
Latest version.

1. A fee schedule for the direct and indirect costs of duplicating or compiling a record may be obtained from the records officer or any records coordinator located at the addresses provided in R850-6-200, Definitions.