R850-25-400. Material Permit Issuance  

Latest version.
  • 1. The agency may issue material permits competitively, non-competitively, or enter into joint ventures or other business arrangements for the disposition of material deposits. In the event that a material permit is offered competitively and there are competing applications submitted, the agency will award the material permit based on the following criteria:

    (a) amount of bonus bid;

    (b) amount and rate of proposed materials extraction; and

    (c) other criteria and assurances of performance as the agency shall require prior to bidding.

    2. The agency may issue material permits "over-the-counter" in areas that have been designated by the director as open for such sales.

    3. A material permit shall not be issued for a parcel less than one quarter-quarter section, or surveyed lot unless approved by the director.

    4. Any material permit may be terminated by the agency in whole or part for permittee's failure to comply with any term or condition of the permit or applicable laws or rules.