R81-10C-2. Application  

Latest version.
  •   (1) No license application will be included on the agenda of a monthly commission meeting for consideration for issuance of a beer only restaurant license until:

      (a) The applicant has first met all requirements of Sections 32B-1-304 (qualifications to hold the license), and 32B-5-201, -204, and 32B-6-904 (submission of a completed application, payment of application and licensing fees, written consent of local authority, copy of current local business license(s) necessary for operation of a beer-only restaurant license, evidence of proximity to certain community locations, a bond, a floor plan, and public liability and liquor liability insurance); and

      (b) the department has inspected the beer-only restaurant premise.

      (2)(a) All application requirements of Subsection (1)(a) must be filed with the department no later than the 10th day of the month in order for the application to be included on that month's commission meeting agenda unless the 10th day of the month is a Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday, in which case all application requirements of Subsection (1)(a) must be filed on the next business day after the 10th day of the month.

      (b) An incomplete application will be returned to the applicant.

      (c) A completed application filed after the deadline in Subsection (2)(a) will not be considered by the commission that month, but will be included on the agenda of the commission meeting the following month.