R70-330-5. Sanitation and Operating Requirements  

Latest version.
  •   1) Sanitation and operating requirements of all raw milk facilities shall be the same as that required on a Grade A dairy farm producing milk for pasteurization. Milk packaging areas and container washing areas at the raw milk facilities shall meet the requirements for Grade A pasteurized milk processing plants.

      2) Milk not handled in a manner required by this rule shall be deemed adulterated and shall not be sold.

      3) All milk shall be cooled to 50 degrees F. or less within one hour of the commencement of milking and to 41 degrees F. or less within two hours after the completion of milking.

      a) The blend temperature after the first milking and subsequent milkings shall not exceed 50 degrees.

      4) All raw for retail farm bulk milk tanks put into use on or after August 7, 2007 shall be equipped with an approved temperature-recording device, in addition to the indicating thermometer. Daily temperature logs shall be maintained for bulk milk tanks in use prior to August 7, 2007.

      5) The recording thermometer shall be:

      a) in compliance with the current technical specification in the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance;

      b) operated continuously;

      c) maintained in a properly functioning manner;

      d) installed near the milk storage tank; and

      e) accessible to the department

      5) Recording thermometer charts shall:

      a) properly identify the producer, date, and signature of the person removing the chart; and

      b) be maintained on the premises for a minimum of six (6) months and available to the department

      i) circular recording charts shall not overlap.

      6) The temperature of the milk at the time of bottling shall not exceed 41 degrees F.

      7) The sale and delivery of raw milk shall be made on the premise where the milk is produced and packaged, or at a self-owned, properly staffed, retail store.

      a) Sanitation and construction requirements of the facilities used as self-owned, retail stores shall be the same as those contained in the Wholesome Food Act, Title 4, Chapter 5.

      b) Transportation shall be done by the producer with no intervening storage, change of ownership, or loss of physical control.

      i) The temperature of the milk shall be maintained at 41 degrees F or below. Each display case shall have a properly calibrated thermometer, and a daily temperature log shall be maintained and made accessible to the Department.

      8) Raw milk brick cheese, when held at no less than 35 degrees F. for 60 days or longer, may be sold at retail stores or for wholesale distribution, at locations other than the premise where the milk was produced.

      9) Except as provided above, all products made from raw milk shall not be allowed for sale in Utah.

      10) Milk that has been heat treated, shall not be labeled as "Raw Milk" for retail sale.

      11) Inspections of the self-owned retail store shall be performed no less than four times per year to insure compliance with the sanitation, construction, and cooling requirements as set forth in the Wholesome Food Act, Title 4, Chapter 5.