R694-1-9. Time Period for Permits  

Latest version.
  •   (a) A Permit to Survey shall be effective for either

      (i) three years from the date of issuance specified in the permit, or

      (ii) for any other period of time

      (A) as part of the response to an action initiated under Section R694-1-11, or

      (B) for other administrative needs.

      (b)(i) A Permit to Excavate shall be effective for the amount of time reasonably necessary to complete the research design's excavation, laboratory analysis, reporting and curation, as specified by a date of expiration in the Permit.

      (ii) The time period of a Permit to Excavate may be extended, upon a showing of good cause to the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office, for a period of time to be specified by a new expiration date.