R694-1-10. Permit Provisions  

Latest version.
  •   (a) The following provisions shall be included within each permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office:

      (i) Professional and Ethical Standards

      (A) Permit holders shall comply with the individual provisions of the "Code of Conduct" and the "Standards of Research Performance" promulgated by the Register of Professional Archeologists.

      (B) If any of the provisions of the Code or Standards is altered, superseded or otherwise affected in any manner by these rules or other law, the rules and law shall take precedence, and permit holders shall comply with the rule or law.

      (ii) Persons Employed by the Principal Investigator to Assist in the Field or Laboratory

      By engaging in any field or laboratory work under any permit issued by the Public Lands Office, the principal investigator shall insure that persons hired or otherwise engaged to perform such work, or supervise field or laboratory work in the principal investigator's absence, are fully qualified to perform such work, and shall comply with the "Code of Conduct" and "Standards of Research Performance" as required by Subsection R694-1-10(a)(i).

      (iii) Principal Investigators who are Employed by Others


      (iv) Survey Methodologies


      (v) Report and Data Format and Standards

      (A) Reports of projects undertaken pursuant to permits issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall conform to the format and standards which are attached to and made an integral part of the permit.

      (B) The Public Lands Policy Coordination Office may amend the format and standards at any time during the time period of a permit, however, the permit holder shall have the option to continue to use the original format and standards for projects which are well into the reporting phase.

      (C) Reports for individual projects and sites must contain an identification number obtained from the Division of State History prior to the commencement of fieldwork.

      (D) Reports for individual projects must list all individuals who served in a supervisory capacity on the project.

      (vi) Completion of Reports in a Timely Manner

      (A) Reports of projects undertaken pursuant to any permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall be completed and submitted to the agency and the Division of State History in a timely manner.

      (B)(1) An agency may establish the parameters of timely manner through an agreement with the Division of State History and the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office.

      (2) If an agreement has been finalized, the permit shall reference the agreement as the requirement for submission of reports for projects involving that agency's lands.

      (3) For purposes of the requirements of Subsection R694-1-10(a)(vi)(B)(1), the term agency shall include an agency or other entity of the federal government.

      (vii) Curation of Specimens

      (A) The holder of any permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall either hold a valid agreement with an authorized curation facility, or be covered under the authority of a curation agreement held by the employer of the permit holder, at all times during the time period of the permit.

      (B) The holder of any permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall keep the Office notified of any changes to the expiration date of the curation agreement required by Subsection R694-1-10(a)(vii)(A), or a change in employment.

      (C) All specimens collected pursuant to any permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall be deposited with the appropriate curation facility in a timely manner.

      (viii) Discovery of Human Remains

      Any person working under the authority of any permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office who discovers human remains shall cease further activity in the area and shall notify the landowner, the antiquities section, and the appropriate law enforcement agencies, as required by Sections 9-9-403 and 76-9-704.

      (ix) Access to Sites and Site Records

      The holder of any permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office agrees to cooperate with the Office to allow authorized Office employees access, at any reasonable time, to field and workings and records for the purpose of assuring compliance with the law, rules or permit provisions, subject to the provisions of other law, regulation or rule.

      (x) Compliance with Law, Rule, and Permit Conditions

      (A) Any person working under the authority of a permit issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall comply with all laws, rules and permit conditions.

      (B) Failure to comply may result in amendments to or the suspension or revocation of the permit, in addition to any other penalties authorized by law or rule.

      (xi) The holder of the permit shall keep the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office apprised of any changes in the permittee's employment or business address and phone number, and changes in other business information as the Office may require.

      (b) Permits issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office may include such other provisions as the Office may deem necessary based on an individual's application.

      (c) Permits to excavate issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office shall require that the permit holder also hold a valid permit to survey issued by the Public Lands Policy Coordination Office at all times prior to and including the expiration date of the permit to excavate, including any extensions.