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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R68. Agriculture and Food, Plant Industry |
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R68-7. Utah Pesticide Control Rule |
R68-7-12. Minimum Standards for Fumigant Applications
(A) Application of fumigant products require strict adherence to the label and when required by the label, a verified and written Fumigation Management Plan (FMP) must be prepared in advance of treatment. A FMP must detail the information prescribed by the label. State standards for fumigation treatments of any space that can be occupied by a person, or non-target species, require the following:
(1) Persons present at the time of releasing the fumigant and during the initial ventilation.
(a) There shall be at least two persons, one of whom must be a certified applicator in the fumigation category, present at the time of the releasing of the fumigant and during the initial ventilation. During the interim, the premises shall be adequately safeguarded against entry by any person(s).
(2) Notification of local fire department and/or first responders.
(a) Prior to fumigation of any building or enclosed space, other than a fumigating vault, the certified applicator shall notify and provide the local fire department with the address of the fumigation job, time of gas release, kind of gas to be used, and beginning time of the aeration of the premises.
(3) Premises sealed.
(a) Premises to be fumigated shall be sealed in a manner that confines the fumigant to the space intended to be fumigated.
(4) Inspection of premises prior to releasing fumigant
(a) Immediately before releasing the fumigant, the fumigator shall conduct a thorough inspection of the premises to verify that no person(s) or non-target animals remain, and that effective precautions have been taken to safeguard occupants of neighboring buildings as set forth below.
(5) Fumigation of apartments within a multiple unit apartment building.
(a) Fumigation of apartments within a multiple unit apartment building may be fumigated only after proper sealing of the area being fumigated and after all apartments are vacated.
(b) All the adjacent units shall be properly ventilated during the entire exposure period.
(6) Notification of all dwellings or places of business within 100 feet of building being fumigated.
(a) All dwellings or places of business within 100 feet of the building being fumigated must be notified in writing in advance of the fumigation.
(b) All premises within 10 feet must be vacated during the fumigation and aeration periods.
(7) Warning signs.
(a) Warning signs shall be posted conspicuously at all entrances of the premise to be fumigated and at the entrances of all adjacent multiple units and structures within 10 feet and kept there during the entire fumigation and ventilation period. Signs shall be a minimum size of 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches and color to be conspicuous and bearing the word "poison" and display the skull and cross-bones, the name of the fumigant used, and the name, address and telephone number of the fumigator.
(b) Before the fumigant is released, all entrances leading directly to the fumigated space shall be closed, sealed, and locked except exits to be used by fumigating crew. These exits shall be closed, sealed, and locked promptly after the fumigant has been released.
(8) Masks worn.
(a) All members of the fumigating crew must be equipped with a serviceable mask of a type approved by the U.S. Mines, Safety, and Health Administration with correct canister for the type of gas used.
(b) Masks shall be worn while in the enclosed space during and after release of the gas, and until initial ventilation is completed.
(9) Re-entering fumigated premises
(a) No one other than the fumigator shall be permitted to re-enter the fumigated premises until the fumigator has ascertained by personal inspection, with gas mask and with a chemical appropriate test, that the premises are safe for occupancy.
(b) Aeration must be conducted according to the product labeling and re-entry allowed according to levels specified on the label.
(10) Exceptions
(a) The subparts 1 through 9 may not apply to fumigants used to control insects or other pests outside of buildings, or for spot fumigations, or restrictive treatments inside a building, such as grain bins.
(i) Strict adherence to the label instructions must be adhered to during these applications.
(ii) During the ventilation period of a spot or restrictive fumigation, the premises shall not be occupied by anyone except the fumigator.
(iii) A warning gas is recommended where the fumigant is comparatively odorless.
(B) Fumigation of Burrowing Rodents require strict adherence to the label as well as a Fumigation Management Plan (FMP) that must contain the following information.
(1) Purpose of the application, indicate the exact pest to be controlled and the type of burrow system to be treated.
(2) Pesticide used. State the name of the pesticide, the EPA registration number, and dosage used.
(3) Property treated information. Record the property or facilities name and address. Verify the manager's name, and contact information.
(4) Licensed applicator information. Record licensed applicator's name, company, license number, phone numbers.
(5) Emergency Information. Note the phone number for the nearest hospital, fire department, police department, poison control center and the registrant of the fumigant.
(6) Instructions to personnel. Verify by signatures that all personnel has been instructed to:
(a) Report any accident or incident related to exposure, provide a telephone number for emergency response reporting.
(b) Report to proper authorities any theft of fumigant and/or equipment related to fumigation.
(7) Follow label directions. Monitoring, Notification, Sealing, Application Procedures, Fumigation Period, and Use Restrictions are to be followed per label instructions.
(8) Burrowing Rodent Fumigation Record Keeping. Additional Standards.
(a) In addition to the recordkeeping requirements contained in R68-7-8, the applicator will keep as part of the record a diagram/graph (to scale) of the property treated that includes dimensions of the property, any structure present, and mark each burrow treated on the diagram or graph.