R68-26-3. Product Registration  

Latest version.
  •   1) All industrial hemp products distributed or available for distribution in Utah shall be officially registered annually with the department.

      2) Application for registration shall be made to the department on form provided by the department including the following information:

      a) the name and address of the applicant and the name and address of the person whose name will appear on the label, if other than the applicants;

      b) the name of the product;

      c) the type and use of the product; and

      d) a complete copy of the label which will appear on the product.

      3) If the industrial hemp product being registered contains CBD, the application shall include a certificate of analysis from a third-party laboratory for the product in compliance with R68-26-4.

      4) A registration fee per product, as set forth in the fee schedule approved by the legislature, shall be paid to the department with the submission of the application.

      5) The department may deny registration for incomplete applications.

      6) The department may exempt an industrial hemp product that is determined to be adequately regulated by a federal agency.

      7) A new registration is required for any of the following:

      a) changes in the industrial hemp product ingredients;

      b) changes to the directions for use; and

      c) a change of name for the product.

      8) Other changes shall not require a new registration but the registrant shall submit copies of all label changes to the department as soon as they are effective.

      9) The person registering the industrial hemp product is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information submitted.

      10) A registration is renewable for up to a one year period with an annual renewal fee per product which shall be paid on or before June 30th of each year.

      11) An industrial hemp product that has been discontinued shall continue to be registered in the state until the product is no longer available for distribution.

      12) A late fee shall be assessed for a renewal of an industrial hemp product registration submitted after June 30th and shall be paid before the registration renewal is issued.