R68-25-10. Inspections and Sampling  

Latest version.
  •   1) The department shall have complete and unrestricted access to all industrial hemp plants, seeds, and materials and all land, buildings, and other structures used to process industrial hemp.

      2) Samples of each industrial hemp product may be randomly taken from the facilities by department officials.

      3) The department shall review all records kept in accordance with rule requirements.

      4) The department shall notify a licensee of test results greater than 0.3% THC.

      5) Any laboratory test with a result greater than 0.3% THC may be considered a violation of the terms of the license and may result in an immediate license revocation.

      6) Any laboratory test with a result of 1% THC or greater of final product will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency and revocation of the processor license will be immediate.

      7) The department shall notify the licensee of any solvents, metals, microbials, or pesticides found during testing.

      8) The presence of deleterious or harmful substances may be considered a violation of the terms of the license and may result in a license revocation.