R68-24-6. Inspection and Sampling  

Latest version.
  •   1) The growing area shall be subject to random sampling to verify the THC concentration does not exceed 0.3% on a dry weight basis by department officials.

      2) The department shall have complete and unrestricted access to all industrial hemp plants and seeds whether growing or harvested, all land, buildings and other structures used for the cultivation of storage of industrial hemp.

      3) Samples of each variety of industrial hemp shall be randomly sampled from the growing area by department officials.

      4) The department shall conduct the laboratory testing on the sample to determine the THC concentration on a dry weight basis by gas chromatography.

      5) The sample taken by the department shall be the official sample.

      6) The department shall test the growing area within thirty (30) days prior to harvest.

      7) The department shall notify the licensee of the test results from the official sample within a reasonable amount of time.

      8) Any laboratory test result greater than 0.3% THC may be considered a violation of the terms of the license and may result in a license revocation.

      9) Upon a test result with greater than 0.3% THC, the department shall notify the grower.

      10) Any laboratory test result with 1% THC or greater will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency and revocation of the license will be immediate.