R68-24-5. Reporting Requirements  

Latest version.
  •   1) Prior to planting the growing area, the licensee shall submit a Pre-Planting Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

      a) a description of the industrial hemp varieties to be planted,

      b) a description of all other plant material being grown in the growing area;

      c) the number of acres to be planted or the amount of seed or clone to be planted in the growing area, and

      d) the source of the seed or clone being planted.

      2) Within ten (10) days of planting the licensee shall submit a Planting Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

      a) a list of all industrial hemp varieties and other plants in the growing area which were planted;

      b) the actual acres planted or the seeding rate or number of clones planted in the growing area;

      c) adjusted maps and global position coordinates for the area planted; and

      d) the amount of seed that was not used.

      3) Thirty (30) days prior to harvest the licensee shall submit a Harvest Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

      a) any contracts entered into between the grower and an industrial hemp processor or a statement of the intended use of all industrial hemp cultivated in the growing area;

      b) any intended storage areas for industrial hemp or industrial hemp material; and

      c) the harvest dates and location of each variety cultivated in the growing areas;

      i) the licensee shall immediately inform the department of any changes in the reported harvest date which exceeds five (5) days.

      4) Thirty (30) days after completion of harvest the licensee shall submit a Production Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

      a) yield from the growing area;

      b) THC testing reports, if any, conducted at the licensee's request;

      c) water application rates;

      d) report of any pest infestations or problems; and

      e) a statement on the final disposition of the all industrial hemp product in the growing area.

      5) Failure to submit the required reports may result in the revocation of the grower license.