R68-24-4. Growing Area  

Latest version.
  •   1) A licensee shall not plant or grow industrial hemp on any site not listed on the grower license application and shall take immediate steps to prevent the inadvertent of industrial hemp the authorized grow area.

      2) A licensee shall not grow hemp in any structure used for residential purposes.

      3) A licensee shall not handle or store leaf, viable seed, or floral material from hemp in a structure used for residential purposes.

      4) A licensee shall not grow industrial hemp outdoors within 1,000 feet of a school or a public recreational area.

      5) The licensee shall post signage at the plot location's entrance and where the plot is visible to a public roadway in a manner that would reasonably be expected to be seen by a person in the area.

      6) The signage shall include the following information:

      a) the statement, "Utah Department of Agriculture Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program";

      b) the name of the licensee;

      c) the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food licensee number; and

      d) the department's telephone number.