R68-24-3. Grower License Application Requirements  

Latest version.
  •   1) The applicant shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) years old.

      2) The applicant is not eligible to receive a license if they have:

      a) been convicted of a felony or its equivalent; or

      b) been convicted of a drug-related misdemeanor within the last ten (10) years.

      3) An applicant seeking an industrial hemp cultivation license shall submit the following to the department:

      a) a completed application form provided by the department;

      b) the legal description of the growing area;

      c) the global positioning coordinates for the center of the outdoor growing area;

      d) maps of the growing area in acres or square feet, and the location of different varieties within the growing area;

      e) a statement of the intended end use or disposal for all parts of the hemp plant grown; and

      f) a plan for the storage of seed or clone and harvested industrial hemp material as specified in R68-24-7.

      4) An applicant shall submit a nationwide criminal history from the FBI completed within three (3) months of their application.

      5) The applicant shall submit a fee as approved by the legislature in the fee schedule.

      6) The department shall deny any applicant who does not submit all required information.