R671-308-3. Offender Legal Counsel -- All Other Hearings

Latest version.
  •   (a) Except in parole revocation hearings as set forth in this rule, an offender or petitioner has no right, requirement, or entitlement to legal representation or appointed counsel before the Board or during or in connection with any Board hearing, review, or decision.

      (b) No attorney or other person appointed or employed by an offender to assist in any matter or hearing before the Board may testify, speak, or otherwise address the Board during a hearing except as provided in this rule. Only the offender, a person appointed by the Board to assist an offender pursuant to this rule, or a victim as provided for by Utah law may present testimony or comment during a hearing.

      (c) If a pardon or commutation petitioner appoints or employs an attorney at their own expense, to appear or represent the petitioner before the Board, the Board may allow the attorney to participate at the pardon or commutation hearing. Any attorney appearing or representing a petitioner at a commutation or pardon hearing must meet the requirements of Subsection R671-308-2(c) and must comply with the Board's Administrative Rules.